welcome to Parenthood

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At night...

After feeding the baby taehyung is eating his dinner. He explained Mrs wang everything. Her neicess already left to home and she'll also leave after taehyung finish his dinner.

Mrs wang was glad that he did such a noble deed.

"I'm glad that you decided to give shelter to that innocent child and don't worry I'm here for you . When you'll go office I'll take care of her ."

Taehyung knew he could trust her and she was right , when he'll go to office she can take care of his baby

" Thanks Mrs wang , I appreciate your thought."






" Yes jimin she's fine and sleeping" said taehyung on call

" Glad to know... how about you?" Jimin asked him being worried as he knows taehyung lived alone for years and now suddenly having a member at home especially a newborn child , is gonna be challenging for his best friend.

" Yeah I'm good..to be honest I was never so active apart from office work " taehyung said remembering today's events

Taehyung never focused on any other things. He was always busy in his career.it was indeed a new experience for him with his little life.


After the call it was time to sleep, Mrs wang also left to her home , she'll come again morning.

Taehyung took baby twinkle in his arms and lay her inside the crib. As soon as she felt the lose of warm she started to cry. Taehyung got panicked thinking if she's hurt so he took her in his arms again and cradle her.

Little twinkle stopped crying when she felt the same warm again. Taehyung understood the matter and chuckled at his daughter

"So you want to be with me , hmm?"

He saw how the baby was snuggling into him maybe trying to find a comfortable position to sleep.

Taehyung put the baby in the bed and layed beside her hugging her tiny body but he made sure not to put his weight on her .

" you know it's been so many years since I'm living alone. But now you came, I know it's gonna be little bit difficult to raise you . Maybe I'll do some mistakes, sometimes it'll be hard to manage between you and work but I assure you to give every happiness. Thank you for coming in my life baby. After so many years I feel like I'm not alone."

Taehyung felt emotional after 6 years . He never showed his soft and vunrable side to anyone, not even his hyungs as he knows they're already worried for him.

He eyes become moist remembering his family. Suddenly he felt little soft touch on his eyes. He looked at his daughter who was listening to him quietly without making any noise as if she's understanding what he was talking and now wiping his tears .

Unknowingly more tears gathered in his eyes . The baby also started to cry seeing her father crying which made taehyung come out of his thoughts.

" Ah..shhh... sorry sorry appa is so bad huh? Appa made her little butterfly cry.. "

He started to make funny weird faces which successfully stopped the baby's cry. Slowly she draft into sleep.

At 3 am....

Sweat was forming on his forehead.. Again! Again that night is coming into his dream or nightmare. Suddenly a loud cry made him awake

Opening his eyes first thing he saw was the ceiling. Then his eyes moved towards the loud crying voice.

Little twinkle was awake and crying. Taehyung immediately got up from the bed and took her in his arms.

" Shh.. what happened baby ? Do you also get bad dreams?"

He asked her as if she'll answer his question.

" it's ok I'm here for you it's ok "

Soon  he figure out the reason when he got bad smell from her

" my little naughty made the diaper dirty huh" he chuckle.

He changed her diaper and made her sleep on his chest .


Lazy people just like and follow 😑☹️✌️

And also comment to let me know if there's any mistake 😷... and if not then just praise about my beautiful self 😗💅🙈

TwinkleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ