dark past and accident

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The entire house was dark , the teen boy was calling his mother but got no response.

He decided to switch on the lights but soon regretted.

He never thought that after coming from study tour he would welcomed by his family's dead bodies.

The entire floor was covered with blood, everything in the room was shattered but the most shattered thing was his heart .

Beep beep.......beep beep

Finally he woke up , looking around his room breathing heavily. It has been 6 years since that night . Night of his destruction. His mom , dad , twin sisters nobody survived . He became orphan, no hopes, no happiness nothing left in his life . Now he's just breathing, now his heart is nothing but just a mere organ of his body.

He calm himself and get up from the bed , took a shower, dress up for office and go to downstairs to eat breakfast. There are workers at his home for taking care of his house and food.

After having breakfast, he drives himself to office. He works in a very reputable seven star hotel named the grand kims hotel. He is rich , handsome, decent, smart yet alone.

He had been in a relationship 6 years ago , but after his family's death he got to know that the girl he loved was cheating on him , so he broke up with her and never tried to look for relationships as he lost believe in love . But is it right?

At the grand kims hotel ...........

Finally reaching to the hotel , he goes to the top floor where's his office . Well the last two floors of the hotel is only for official work. So there's only the office employees and the MD, CEO and chairman.
The rest of the hotel service workers work in the hotel rooms and kitchen.

He's not rude or abusive yet have a dangerous aura which makes his employees and other people scared of him.

He was a happy and cheerful guy but in these 6 years he made himself cold and stone hearted. It's not like he had no one , he had his friends who stood by his side in his miserable state but family is something that he couldn't get .

At night .........

He is working peacefully in his cabin . He doesn't seem like to care about time or reaching at home , of course why would he ? Does anyone waiting for him st home?

At Midnight........

Finally he's done with his work and it's already midnight. He takes his bag and went out of his cabin.

As soon as he went to the entrance of the hotel he saw there's rain outside. And it's increasing by time.

He curses under his breath and ran to his car and started his car to reach at his house.

Usually he uses the highway route but today because of rain there was a landslide so he had to take another way which is a quiet jungle area . Nobody uses that road since it's very muddy and slippery. He is driving very slowly in order to keep the balance but suddenly he sees something.

It's a car and looks like it got into an accident. Taehyung immediately stop his car and went to that car . It's a black car which damage and crushagainst the big tree , the headlights were getting on-off repeatedly. He tried to search if anyone is inside or not but because of rain it's quite hard to see through the glass window.

He scoot himself more near to the car and saw something or someone inside. It's a woman and she seems like unconscious. Taehyung panics and starts to knock at the window, thankfully that lady slowly gain her conscious but still very week to help herself. Taehyung keeps knocking and the lady somehow manage to unlock the car door. As soon as she opens the door taehyung unbuckle her seatbelt and tries to pull her out . After pulling her out he grasp looking at her bloody body and big stomach, he was guessing that lady being pregnant next what he heard made him astonished.

Lady : ple.... please.. ahh....save mmm...my b..b...baby..ahhhh

The lady said through her pain clutching her stomach, eyes are barely open.

Taehyung immediately takes action, carrying her in bridal style, he takes her to his car and lay her in the backseat. She's crying because of intense pain of her body. Taehyung runs to driver seat and started the car , because of slippery road and heavy rain he couldn't drive fast infact he has to drive a little bit slower to maintain balance.

Assalamualaikum mah fwends
(my friends🤧)
I hope all are good
So this is the first chapter of my awesome story
I hope you'll like it


Ha ha ha I'mma phaking ebhil gurl

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