unlocking those dreams

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Taehyung pov...

Feeding a baby is not a easy job.

Here I'm trying to feed my baby . I don't know much about all these things but doctor told me that a new born child needs their mother's milk for a good growth. But that's not possible to give her so they prescribed a special milk formula.

At first I thought it would be easy but I was totally wrong!!

She's hungry but not drinking the milk , and I don't know how to feed her . I even asked Mrs wang , she also tried but baby wasn't drinking by her as well.

After countless attempts she left to make dinner for me since I didn't eat anything for a long time.

" Baby please drink it, I know you're hungry. Come on you're a good girl right?"

But she being she not drinking the milk and now I'm totally frustrated

I think I should search on online about feeding.

Yes that's a good idea

I took my mobile and search in Google..


Here! I found a video

In the video they're showing how to feed a newborn baby without mother.

I clicked and saw the video

In the video

Man : babies are very sensitive so while feeding you need to make sure they're in comfortable position. Now take the baby in your arms carefully and attach the feeder any of the sides of you chest ( for men) in this way they'll think the milk is coming from their mother..

Video end

Do I really have to do this ?

But I don't have any other choice

Ok fine, let's try

I took the baby the way they said so that baby doesn't vomit.. after that I attached the bottle to side of my chest and then try to feed her and...

Finally she's taking it . Mission accomplished!!!

Doctors said her mother breastfeeded her right after her birth , maybe she was searching the same comfort

Author pov ..

After a lot if struggles finally baby drink the milk and sleep peacefully.

Taehyung was admiring her all the time . It's so new for him ..

He always likes babies and there was a time when he wanted to have his own family but destiny didn't support him..

But now he has a child. Not by blood but by heart she's his daughter and he'll protect her from every bad thing. He'll raise her just the way he wanted to raise his children.

Those eyes which were blank and dreamless , caught so many dreams all together. His eyes which didn't showed any emotions in six years , were sparkling now.

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