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Telling Ivie the whole truth was quite tough and everyone was skeptical at first. Wema woke her up very early in the morning, Osas stayed mute observing ivie's reaction.

She was still very sleepy when Wema woke her up and started explaining who her biological parents are and how she came to be.

Although she was a bit confused at first but Wema took her time to explain bit by bits and at the end she understood that Osas is her mom and Wema is her grandmom and Uncke Raphael is actually her real dad.

It all sounded gibberish at first. Like a role play switch but realizing it was true made her feel very sad for being lied to or made to believe all her life

Loving aunty Osas was easy, she grew up knowing and living together, she has always felt like they are a part of the same body and with the way osas looks at her it is emitting so much love. A strong affection that they both shared.

But with her supposed dad he is like a total stranger, although she really liked him at first and he was always prepping her to do better. He's very smart and kind other than that she has no memory of him

Mrs Erabor seem nice and she's easy to love, she's also very sweet and unproblematic.

But why did they make her belief her father died before she was born and it was always going to be just the three of them. Even at school when her friends talk about their dad or the father figure in their life. Ivie could not relate she had to block that in headspace, they didn't leave any other room for her paternal family

Adjusting to this is going to take a while and she doesn't like how long it took then to open up to her.

The tears rolled down her cheeks, at least it better to know your dad is alive somewhere than to be made to believe he died and never got a chance to know her

Osas wouldn't have taken this bold step. If Raphael had not randomly called her out of the blue and told her that they were coming to Warri to see Ivie. Himself and his parents will be arriving the next day.

The notice was too short and osas wanted to tell him that they were not ready yet but her mom convinced her it was about time they let it all out

Ivie didn't take the big news well and burst into tears which osas cried as well, Ivie didn't even want a hug to feel better she went to the room and found comfort in her pillow instead

If this was going to drive a wedge between her and her daughter, osas would have rather the father stayed hidden and buried.

Towards noon Ivie was feeling much better and came out of the room. Wema was busy preparing a special meal for their guests and honestly osas didn't like that she bothered herself

These people are too posh and classy, they might not want to get their hands dirty.

They might not even like to stay too long, their whole apartment is the size of one of their living room so trying to make them comfortable in their small space is not going to do it

But Wema did not stop, she went as far as pounding yam for them. Osas has pleaded with Ese to be here for emotional support.

At least Ivie gets to talk to her since she's still not talking to osas.

Wema knew what was at stake, it is either this rich people show up to be reasonable or turn out to completely difficult with ego the size of a bull.

But before she concluded she was going to do her due diligence by serving them with her finger licking vegetable soup with pounded yam.

Raphael and his parents arrived in two separate cars, one dark silver Range Rover and another black 2021 Toyota Highlander. It was like a convoy because aside from the driver, there was also a police escort assigned to the family by the current governor of Edo state

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