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Wema had her twin fifteen years ago a bouncing baby boy and a girl she named them Osaze and Efosa . Unfortunately her baby boy did not survive he died eight weeks after he was born

So Wema had to take good care of daughter especially since the miserable wretched man who impregnated her ran away from his responsibilities

People say it her father's generational curse that took her male child away and that the gods are coming for all his grandsons as he has been supposedly curse to only have female children in his bloodline

Fortunately two of WEMA's sisters were able to stop the ridiculous rumor by having male children.

It wasn't easy raising a child all by herself especially in her father's house with all the dramatic return of her other sisters but Wema was determined to make a change

And it was going to start with her daughter

Three months ago she got a job to be the service cook on a ship heading far to the east

WEMA's job was to cook for the passengers and staff on the ship throughout the whole journey and as they sail to different shore, the ship picks up new sets of passengers and offload some old passengers

It was an exhausting ride and since they were on sea for months they had limited resources. The job was so stressful but she put up with it coz she couldn't come home without money

Only for her to return a day before her daughter's birthday and find her in an unruly state. Wema was convinced something was definitely wrong so she took osas to the hospital to get professional opinion

And it indeed turned out her little girl was pregnant
Wema couldn't believe it, she rolled on the floor and took osas down with her biting and trashing her furiously

If the doctor and nurses haven't intervened, Wema would have kicked the baby out of osas in anger

It was the worse experience in WEMA's life she wondered how she went wrong raising just one kid

The next day Wema woke up early, went to her daughter's room got her ready and they left town before dawn.

They got into a bus and it was a very long drive.
Osas wasn't sure where are mom was taking her to so early in the morning but she didn't dare to ask

They arrived at a small clinic in another town

Osas was sitting in the lobby waiting for her mom who just went inside to see the doctor

Something is really off, they just visited the hospital yesterday where they carried a test to confirm she's really pregnant

Even if her mom was seeking for a second opinion coming all the way here to a shity clinic in a crappy neighborhood doesn't make sense

Osas got curious and told the nurse she wanted to use to restroom but instead she went outside and located the doctor's office. She stood by the window and eavesdrop their conversation

The doctor was an elderly man but osas couldn't see his face cause he was backing the window
Osas dodged and leaned against the wall close enough to hear them

"So how far gone is she?" The doctor asked

"Three and the half months doctor "

"You should have brought her in earlier "

"I didn't know, I traveled only for me to come back and find out my daughter is pregnant "

"This is a very risky procedure madam it is usually advisable to flush during the early weeks of pregnancy "

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