Chapter 14: Daddy ♡♤♧◇

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Friday 14th August

Shigaraki POV

Dabi entered my room without as much as a knock before joining me on my bed, peering over my shoulder to the game I am playing on my Nintendo. I am tempted to lean back into his embrace and the warmth that comes with it, but I instead fight the urge.

"Hey Shiggs," Dabi gently asks, looking up at me despite me not taking my eyes off the game. "I never did ask the other day, but when you're little, who takes care of you?"

I feel my head snap back to glare at him, that catches my attention. Now is not the time to be asking such intrusive questions, I'm about to beat the boss!

I sharply turn back and continue onwards with my game, without so much as acknowledgment to the question. The fabric from my gloves is messing with my concentration too!

"Making me wait Shiggs? Almost like you don't care about me?" I can feel the smirk in his voice.

"Shush, I'm about to win."

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"Yay!" Dabi wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. "You beat that boss like it was nothing." I respond with as little as an eye roll.

"Though, about that question from earlier, who does take care of you? Such a little boy surely needs lots of care and attention." Dabi coos.

"I take care of myself, other than Kurogiri, no-one else knows."

"Nobody else?" Dabi raises an eyebrow, questioning me silently. "The rest of the league are such nosey brats, surely they know something?"

"Nope. I'm great at secrets." I smirk to myself.

And to be fair, I am! It took Kurogiri a year to figure out what my regression is, and Sensei has yet to learn anything. I should be known as a master of keeping secrets.

"Kurogiri has sometimes taken care of me though, he's the one who got me some more little gear. I used to only have a wrongly-sized paci and one stuffie. Wasn't much to get by for my smaller headspace."

"Still not a lot though, is it?"

"Hm, I make do I guess."

I shrug my shoulders. I've never given it that much thought, I know that finding little gear, stealing it and sneaking it back would be difficult to have no-body notice, whether from the league or the store I'm stealing from. The last thing I need is my regression all over the news.

"You shouldn't have to though! You should have a caregiver, and plenty of little gear."

This line shocks me. I know Dabi is aware of littlespace, but I didn't know he knows about it. I was barely expecting him to know about how different little gear is needed for different headspaces, let alone what a caregiver is. I just assumed he did a quick search to figure out what regression is, then left it at that.

"You know about caregivers?"

"Course I do, I am one." I look over to Dabi, who's wearing a proud smile. Maybe he could look after me sometimes? That would be nice.

"Oh? Who's your little then?" I tease, doubting that, as a villain, he actually has one.

"I don't have one, I know a very cool little though. I'd love to be his caregiver."

At this, I look away disappointedly, he probably won't have the time to look after me, especially when he seems keen on looking after this other little. It sucks, Dabi's so cool. "Well, he is very lucky," I mumble.

"Just not at board games, are you?"

"Wh-You want to be my caregiver?!?" My jaw hangs open as I point to myself in shock.

"Is that okay?"

"YES!" I jump in a half turn onto Dabi, latching around him in a bear hug. He will never escape my cuddly wrath.

"Somebody's excited." Dabi teases.

He scoops me up and holds me against his chest. I lean into him as he gently plays with my hair.

"I would like to set down a few rules though. Just to make sure we're on the same page."

"Yes, yes, of course." I quickly blurt, so excited.

I can feel myself begin to slip in Dabi's warm embrace.

"Just some simple things really: No hitting or kicking for starters, that's a definite no. Screaming too."


"Do you have a bedtime?"


"Well, we'll need to get you one then, yeah? What about nine?"

I pout and whine, folding my arms over my chest. "Nu uh! Too earlyyyy!"

Dabi sighs, "How about we compromise at getting ready at 9.30 then? Then you won't be going to sleep until ten."

"Hmp. Fine."

"Good boy. I'm proud of you for listening to Daddy."

Daddy? Does that mean I get to call him that now? I feel a smile tug at my lips as I drop the pout and turn to Daddy.


"Yeah? You like calling me that, baby?" I giggle at the nickname and reach out to Daddy, glad I have my gloves on.

"Mmh! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

"Baby, Baby, Baby." Dabi nuzzles his nose against mine, earning another giggle.

"Want to finish making the rules now Baby? Then we don't have to worry about finishing them later."

"Oki doki!"

"As my little baby, I'm afraid you're going to have to have at least a semi-healthy diet. So whilst you might occasionally have a little treat, you also have to eat your veggies."

"Meanie." I stick my tongue out at Daddy as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Such a meanie, keeping you healthy."


Daddy chuckles and ruffles my hair gently.

"And Baby, I probably should have asked when you slipped the other day, but do you use diapers or pull ups? I know sometimes little babies can have accidents."

"No, mes a big boy!"

"I know you are, Baby, but big boys have accidents too. Have you ever tried using them? It might help you."

"I don't need them!" I pout at the idea. I'm two! I don't need a diaper!

"Okay Baby, if you say so. Want to discuss punishments and rewards for listening to Daddy's rules?"

"I gwt rewar's?"

"Course you do! When you're a good boy, you'll get points to save up for a little treat. What you want will get to be your choice, you can get a new stuffie, some sweeties, a colouring book, a paci, staying up later, and if you save up enough, you might be able to go on a shopping trip for lots of little treats. Of course we'll be getting you enough little gear first though."


Daddy smiles and bounces me up and down on his leg, letting me bask in my excitement.

"Though Baby, if you're naughty, you might lose those points, okay? So you've got to be good for Daddy and the rest of the league."

"Otay, Daddy! I luv chus!"

"Love you too Baby."

Thank you for reading!

I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out in the end, I hope you did too!

I'm not sure what's happened, but my posting schedule seems all over the place. I missed two weeks ago, which was the week I was supposed to post Final Plans (Pt 1& 2) on. I've now posted both them chapters, Finding Out and Acceptance which means I'm up to date from last week. And this is this weeks.

Stay safe,
Random Xx

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