Chapter 2: Anger & Peace ♡♤♧◇

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Wednesday 8th July

☆ Some naughty words (not too bad, just d*mn. It isn't askericed, let me know if you want me to change that.)
☆ Toga and Dabi have joined, no others.

Tomura POV

One God damned day. That. Is. It.

I regretfully let a bunch of idiots into my league yesterday and I'm already done. I cannot deal with them any longer; I'm losing whatever sanity I have left, not that it is much.

The idiots scream a lot. They are melodramatic and they over-exaggerate everything, with no sense of peace or quiet. They somehow make such a massive deal over nothing. Anyone would think they're on the verge of death, or maybe being tortured, but no, instead they are just having a simple conversation about their god.damned.lunch.

Himiko Toga is the louder one. All I ever hear from her is droning on and on about blood and her love interests. 'I found this realllyyy hot guy yesterday, I followed him around alllll day! I just knew he would be even hotter drenched in blood and he was! I had soooo much fun, especially as I watched as blood spill out of him!' Like I could care.

Dabi isn't too far off however.. He seems to call me everything under the sun but my name. It is getting on my nerves so much that it makes my head hurt. 'Mophead.' 'Handguy.' 'Handyman.' 'Crusty.' 'Freak.' Can anyone get any more annoying?

I feel the panic and stress build up. Everything in my body, every nerve, every cell wants to snap and scream at them. Maybe it's the cold sweat I can feel clinging to the back of my neck. Maybe it's nausea, maybe it's just the strange feeling that something is wrong. Who decided to make my morning so off, I feel sick.

I need to get away from everything, it's too overwhelming.

And they only moved into today...... Oh God. I have to live with these people every day. I have to live with the constant screaming and noise, the constant torture of never getting any piece.

I never even wanted them here, I just need numbers for my next attack. Even that is dumb!

Let me just take 10 or so villains off the street who:

A - Have never met before, therefore not knowing what they are likely to do and try, or how to help.

B - Have no clue how each other's quirks work, meaning they could get in each other's way.

C - Don't know anyone's strengths or weaknesses, causing them to have no clue when to step up and help or when to back down and leave the other to deal with it.

D - Might not even know how to fight.

I'm sure it'll be an amazing fight against a group of 40 kids who:

A - Have met before, know what their classmates will try, if they can pull it off, and how to help.

B - Know how the other's quirks are, letting them amplify the strengths and cover the weaknesses.

C - Do know when to help and when to move onwards to take down another villain or help somebody who does actually need it.

D - Receive the best of the best training, and are along the pathway of becoming high-ranking heroes.

AND these idiots have to also take down six strong heroes who are fully capable of easily taking all of us down.

AFO is so caught up in the idea of turning important people to heroes into villains that he doesn't see his plan's flaws. Whenever I try to get him to see or even just explain. AFO brushes me off, telling me I 'need to learn to be more independent,' and that I 'need to find a solution.'

Then just wants me to pick a student with good villain potential. Most of them don't even have one. Okay, some of them may laugh if a kid falls over, but they're not about to push the kid. The most he will achieve by making them switch sides is a bit of bad lighting that will immediately be covered up. Then they'd just register another kid.

One brat means nothing when there are billions of others out there, waiting for their chance.

No hero will reach out, no civilians will either. They'll just abandon the poor kid to the horrors that everyone turns a blind eye to. I don't want to leave them to be broken, that's not fair. They're just innocent kids who want to help people. Why should they be punished for a dream? For a hope and a chance to take their shot.

"Hey Kurogiri?" I ask as the bartender looks up. "I'm going upstairs for a bit, I'll be back later... I need to escape the noise for a little while to create a plan." Receiving a nod, I slide off my stool and make my way to my bedroom. Fortunately, my room is soundproof. No sound gets in. No sound gets out.

I collapse into my desk chair, exhausted from a day barely begun. Even after a few hours, everything is getting under my skin.

The noise, the planning, the cold sweat, the way it's too bright outside, even smaller things that I wouldn't otherwise notice. It is off putting, and I can feel the stress.

Why do I even have yet to go into the details of this stupid plan yet? I have over a month to do this, and then all I have to do after that is explain to the others, it won't take that long. A few hours at best.

Despite this, AFO, as usual, won't listen, and I therefore have to keep planning. The worst part is I'll finish it, be happy with it, and then he'll point out all the bad things about it.

If he is so picky, why doesn't he just do it himself?

Though maybe The Bakugou Kid could be a good candidate.... He seems angry at the world. Maybe some of it is towards the heroes? It shouldn't be hard to turn the tables on the heroes with how he was treated at the sports festival.

We can hopefully convince him to see who the heroes truly are, and there will be no way the kid will want to be one afterwards.

All it takes is for us to start connecting the dots, and then let him finish it! Yet he did seem quite determined to be a hero....

With a groan, I decide it can wait another day. Right now, everything is weighing me down. I let myself focus on the good. For example, I am finally receiving silence. I relax a little more and move towards my bed. I retrieve Quackers and my paci, before sliding below my covers.

I let myself partially slip, just while I curl up for a little bit.

I find a little bit more calmness. I am in no rush to move or finalise plans, so instead I lay, at peace for a little bit. I feel my eyes droop as I let the land of dreams take me away.

Thank you for reading!
Hope you all enjoyed, have a nice day.

Stay Safe,
Random Xx

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