Chapter 12: Finding Out ♡♤♧◇

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Thursday 10th August

☆ Involuntary slipping

☆Use of d*mn when it isn't askericked

Shigaraki POV

It is a week after attacking UA's training camp. We have failed. We didn't capture that angry pomeranian like we were supposed to. And to make matters worse, I haven't been able to regress very much lately. I know I should regress more, but I've been so stressed over this mission and it's planning that I haven't been able to relax or sleep properly.

All I want is to have that warm, fuzzy feeling spread through my body while I colour or play with Quackers. I even got a new paci and a stuffie from Kuro the other week! The thoughts made a familiar fuzzy feeling begin to stretch through my body.

No! No, no, no! Not here! Not now! Dang it! Dabi is here! Kuro will be fine, but Dabi will laugh at me and then that's it! I need to get out of the bar and to my room quickly. I feel the leather stools peel off my legs in the summer heat as I jump up.

I can feel myself getting smaller and smaller with every step.

Damn it!... I stumble, and I fall to the ground and pull my knees up against my chest. I slip further than I have before, and start sobbing into my knees, my tears leaving a salty taste in my mouth as they land on my lips.

I feel like the entire world is against me. Then I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around me, they hold me in a hug. I grab onto them tightly, not wanting to be alone. They are strong, and they pick me up with ease while sweet words are whispered into my ear. Hearing someone deny what the voices are saying makes me feel so much better already. I want to just be held like this forever.

I lean into the warm grip.

Dabi POV

I am sitting at the bar chatting with Ma-Kurogiri (a/n: if you know, you know ;)) about the difference between liqueur and liquor, whilst Shigaraki is to my left. His expression can't be read because of that damn hand he always wears. It's honestly creepy. I don't even know if it's fake, though I'm hoping it is.

Swiftly, he jumps off his stool and starts half running across the room. Strangely, Boss keeps stumbling many times before falling to the ground and crying. Full out sobbing into his knees.

I've never seen him act like this before, so I'm not very sure how to console him. Sure, he sometimes acts differently, and I know he's cried before, but never has he started full-out sobbing.

After a momentary shock, I end up getting off my stool and walking over to him before slowly wrap my arms around him tentatively. Shigaraki immediately leans into my touch and grips onto me as though his life depends on it. I pull Boss up.

I briefly turn back to Kurogiri who still looks shocked. "I'll take him upstairs to his room."

I start to carry him while whispering sweet nothings into his ears. This seems to calm him. I take him to his room and place him down on his bed, deciding to get comfy clothes out for Shigaraki.

Before I get out some other clothes, I return my gaze to Shigaraki to see him...sucking his thumb? I stare for a minute, confused.

Then it clicked.

He is an age regressor.

That's why he sometimes acts childish.

"Hey, old are you?" I gently asked to not scare him.

He looks up at me with a look of confusion etched across his face. He is adorable and I can feel my heart melting. Slowly, he shyly put up just one finger.

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