Chapter 10: Plans Pt1 ♡♤♧♡

170 3 10

Saturday 8th August

☆Mentions of fighting / camp attack

☆Mentions of cannibalism

☆Mentions of murder 

Tomura's POV

I am very annoyed.

The Vanguard Action Squad are supposed to be attacking UA's summer camp in only two days and Sensei won't accept my plans! He claims they 'aren't good enough' even though I know they will give the Vanguard the best chance of pulling off the kidnapping.

I had already decided almost a month ago that I'll get Mr Compress to use his quirk on Bakugou Katsuki when he goes around in his pair. It could be a quick and simple, get in, get out job, then letting the panic set in as the heroes search and parents and news stations get called in.

Most of Japan will lose hope in the heroes and UA when they can't even keep track of a few kids. So why is it such a big deal everyone knows it's us? We can prove it's us in our next attack when we bring the brat with us. It'll be kind of hard to look past him then.

No matter how quickly it takes to cover it back up, something will be out there. Even something small like a video, much like with Stain. You can't take down a video going viral everywhere. We can use it to unravel the entire system by displacing the civilians' trust. Plus, afraid civilians are more likely to join us, just like for the Vanguard Squad.

Yet still, according to Sensei, we need to 'make sure everybody knows it is us attacking'. It's stupid!

The planning is stressing me out, making me panic. I can't think straight and I can't plan. I feel useless.

I'm not good enough for this, no-one will listen to me or my stupid plans. I can't do it.

If Sensei is so critical, why can't he be the one to make all the plans? To recruit everybody, to go out and fight.

If I could make all the plans, I'd get to go out and make a difference rather than 'staying back, and managing it all'. My wounds from USJ are fine now, I can fight with them. Getting hurt by going out on the battlefield is no different to Stain stabbing me here, at the base.

But Sensei won't see that.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. I had thought it all out, it's now wrong.

"Hey, Boss? Want to play a game?" A certain scarred man enters my room with a knock. He knows he's allowed in if the door's not locked.

"Not right now," I unintentionally snap back, why does that make me feel bad? "I have to edit the plans for the attack."

"The one in two days?" Dabi cocks his eyebrow towards me and he leans against my doorway. It takes everything in me not to scream at him that it's not my fault, I have done everything I can.

"Yeah, Sensei has only just reviewed it, now I have no time and too much to do!" I throw my hands up.

"What needs to be done?"

"Everything! It's no-longer a quick mission for Compress with the rest of you waiting in the wings as back up. We now need to make a 'flashy show of power'." I roll my eyes, trying not to scratch. I'm so itchy.

"Let me have a look?"

"It's all yours..."

□♤•◇¤♡\▪︎♡●♡☆•◇▪︎♡¤♡□□¡○♡▪︎♡■○◇•¿¤¡□ ♤○♤•♡▪︎¡¤;-?'□♤•♡☆¤¡□¡▪︎¡▪︎¡•¡☆¡¤¡¤¡□♤○♡○

"My quirk can be flashy. Twice can use his quirk to replicate it too. That could be a start?"

"Yeah, yeah it's just so infuriating! If I knew this is what Sensei wanted, I could have had Giran bring me recruits with better suited quirks."

"Are you able to get anyone else this late? Or do you not have enough time?"

"Who knows? Giran is looking but there is no guarantee on finding anybody semi-useful."

"Well, we can work on a plan without having to worry about anyone else for now."

Dabi offers a sweet smile that makes me melt inside, why is he like this? Has he infected me? No-one else makes me feel so warm inside, or blissfully happy. My itch is barely around when he is too. I want to spend more time with him, but I don't know how without seeming clingy.

"... pro at the mid-point."


"You getting sick, boss? You seem to have trouble concentrating and you're getting red."

Dabi places a hand to the back of my head.

"You seem to be getting hotter. Maybe take a rest? I'll deal with the plans for now."

"Ah, no! I'm fine, sorry, I just zoned out. What were you saying"

Before I can do anything more, Dabi lifts me up and carries me across my room to my bed, where he lays me down and tucks me in. "Take a break, you look exhausted. I'm your second in command, trust me to plan this out."

No matter how much I try to fight back and keep planning, Dabi won't accept it, forcing me back into bed.

I eventually give up trying, succumbing to my tiredness.

□♤•◇¤♡\▪︎♡●♡☆•◇▪︎♡¤♡□□¡○♡▪︎♡■○◇•¿¤¡□ ♤○♤•♡▪︎¡¤;-?'□♤•♡☆¤¡□¡▪︎¡▪︎¡•¡☆¡¤¡¤¡□♤○♡○

When I re-awake, Dabi is still here, at my desk. "Hey," I call out, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Giran called, he's got new recruits. I told him to bring them 'round tonight. That cool?"

"Yes, thank you so much!"

I can't believe Dabi did all this for me, the planning, the calls, everything! No-one other than Kurogiri has ever gone out of their way for me before. If anything, Sensei always just dumped more work on me.

"I got a quick overview of them and their quirks. The first is Goto Imasuji, he goes by Muscular. He has quite the reputation for killing heroes."

"I've heard of him," I perk up at the sound of his name. Growing up with a high-ranking villain means you learn of these kinds of people, he should be a good addition to the team. "Muscle Augmentation? It should make him both strong and fast. Last I knew however, he was more likely to throw himself into battle for the bloodlust rather than using his brain or any technique."

"You know your facts."

"You said it yourself, he has quite the reputation."

"Next is a kid going by Mustard. Have no name for him yet, but he has a good quirk. It's quite simple. The kid produces sleep-inducing gas, however he isn't immune himself. He wears a mustard mask, as long as he has that he should be fine. No-one should get near enough before passing out to remove it."

"Good, anything about his fighting style? Or does he just knock people out?"

"Unfortunately not much. He seems to be smarter than strong however."

"We've got one more recruit. He's a bit.... Stranger than you might expect."

"The League holds open arms to anyone wanting to be a villain." I shrug my shoulders.

"Even a cannibal?"

"Oh? Tell me more."

"His quirk's blade-tooth. Quite self explanatory, but it means he has a knack for feasting on.... Human flesh. Apparently, he seems to have completely lost it, only in it for a feast."

"Well, I guess we can see how it goes, but don't let any of them stay overnight. I know of Muscular, he doesn't seem to.... Hesitate in starting a fight. It's best not to take chances with the others until we meet them and can be sure."

Thank you for reading!

Unfortunately, I lost access to the original so this was rewritten. Lots of writers block with this chapter, but I eventually did it!

Stay Safe,
Random Xx

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