Help Needed

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A/n: I don't want this book to go on for years so each chapter will be a big event other than the odd filler chapter here and there— I wanna jam as much stuff as I can into one chapter. But within saying that! If you feel inspired or want to write something similar! Go ahead! As long as you tag me! This is like my own little WW3 AU in a sense so please, add to it!

ALSO! DISCLAIMER! Anyone in this book or other books of mine, that do any sexual activities are the age of 18 or over!

The parliament room was bustling with activity as politicians, from all over Australia, gathered for an important session. The room was filled with the sound of chatter and the rustling of papers as the politicians sat for the day's proceedings. Australia chatting to officials at the podium as TVs blared the daily news on every screen.

Despite the hectic nature of the room, the politicians had managed to remain focused and productive throughout the entire session, there was nothing they could do at this moment; everyone collaborating as Australia weighed the options.

A lady stood up as she spoke, her voice was heavy with the weight of recent history, and she addressed the panel. "If I may, through past events...the countries that had fallen were given an option. Either surrender or prepare for war..." Australia knew all too well what they were trying to ask. The tension in the room was palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting for an answer. With a heavy heart and a sharp inhale, Australia banged his head down on the table

'If it came to it... would we surrender...'

Australia sat up in his chair and glanced around the room, locking eyes on a woman who sat on the other side of the panel. He scanned his mother's face, trying to gather an ounce of information from her glance. Australia's heart was thumping in his ears as the room fell silent.

He didn't know...

Would it come to that? Australia was a minor power in the global way of things. If he did choose to stand up and fight... could he win...

He was an aid to other countries, and through the global wars of the past, he was there to help out his father and brothers... minus a few events but even then, Australia only got through by the skin of his teeth.

He couldn't help but feel the darkness swirl and invade his mind, 'what ifs' floated around his mind as he tried to make a plan... every length he went through in his mind all came out to a dead end...
'Is there anything I can do....' Australia thought as he glanced at the eyes of his peers. Fear, sorrow and the littlest spark of hope barely shone through...

Australia sighed as he felt the weight of everyone's questions upon his shoulders, it was like he was carrying a boulder of everyone's wants and fears...
Australia stood up and buttoned up his suit jacket as he addressed the room.
"This meeting is adjourned" Australia spoke as he walked out of the room, ignoring anyone who spoke in objection. Walking straight down the corridor, ignoring the flashing lights of the press.

Right now all Australia wanted was a drink... and a durry. That would bring him some solace in the chaos that swirled around him and the whole world. Australia marched outside as he fiddled around in his pockets, placing a cigarette between his teeth before he even stepped out of the parliament building.

Australia stepped out the glass doors of the building that sat centre in all of Canberra. More news reporters flashed photos of the man as he reached to grab a light. Walking straight past everyone as he walked across the mosaic-like flooring till he got to the front of the water fountain. Australia lit up his cigarette as the water poured out through the middle and allowed ripples in the pool of water around it. The evening sunlight shimmered over the ripples giving it a purpley orange flow. It flowed so peacefully without a flaw or a worry, it sparkled as it gave Australia a sense of peace.

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