Boys of Summer - Chapter 8

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From behind the counter, a smiling woman in her late 60's was flipping burgers and giving orders to two teen boys running the counters.

"Hi Mrs. Beck," Jake walked to the counter as he caught Clara's attention, and she finally placed who he was.

"Oh my gosh, Jacob Stanton, when did you get into town, I swear you get taller every time I see you. How've you been?" she said as she walked around the counter to give Jake a hug.

"I got into Chicago on Saturday, I'm staying with Gram and Grandpa in the city."

"So what brings you over here today? Alvin going fishing?"

"No, Grandpa's at the church, and Gram's out at the farm with Uncle Joe. Just me and Lana and the boys," he answered. "So, just your grandsons working today?" looking over at the two teens alternating between cashing out customers and flipping burgers.

Clara chuckled as she looked at Jake, knowing the real question the boy was asking. "Yeah, just the boys are working today. If you're looking for my granddaughter, she is up at the house, not sure if she's coming down today. She's still getting her second cousin settled in. They got back last night from picking her up at the airport."

"Really, her cousin?" said Jake. "Where is she from?"

"Atlanta, she's up here for a month or so, it's a long story, Bonnie will probably fill you in soon enough," she said. "Well, Jake, I gotta get back to keeping the boys from running off all my customers for being too slow. Are you all planning on using the beach? $10 bucks should do it for all of you, if that's alright."

"Sounds good to me," said Jake as he gave her the $10.

"Well, have a good afternoon, if I hear from Bonnie I'll let her know you all are here. You kids have a good afternoon, and tell Lucy hello and Alvin not to be a stranger."

"I will," said Jake. Jake waved as he headed out of the drive-in. A few cars were rolling up across the way as he crossed the road and headed up the little berm toward the family cottage.

When he got back inside, Lana had lunch all spread out on the table. The air conditioner had taken a nice edge off the stuffiness of the cottage. The boys were busy getting the last items set.

"Thank you, LT, for getting this all set," said Jake.

"No problem," said Lana. The boys were seated at the table and ready to dive in. There was a nice spread of Usinger Sausages and Cheese from Uncle Conn's for sandwiches that the boys were making up. Nick's cheese sandwich was made and cut into squares as he waited. There were Roundy's potato chips and cream soda.

"You can eat, Nick," said Lana, as she made up their sandwiches and got started on eating lunch.

After lunch was finished, they all worked together to get the plates washed and put away back in the cabinet and clearing off the table. Lana temporarily put the food in the fridge but reminded Jake they needed to not forget lest it go bad and they all tick off her mother. The boys were all changed and ready to go to the beach. "Wait," said Lana, "sunscreen, all of you," as she handed over the sunscreen to Jake and Matt as they started putting it on before helping Nick.

"I'm going to go get changed," said Lana, as she disappeared into the bathroom. After a few minutes, she exited wearing her large oversized Wisconsin T-shirt and her sandals.

"Lana, do you need sunscreen?" asked Matt as he handed her the bottle.

"Yes, Matt, thank you, I'll put mine on at the beach," she said.

"Okay, does everyone have all their stuff, towels, etc.?" said Jake, as he grabbed a cooler with some sodas. Lana opened the door and the five of them headed out the door and walked along the road down to the beach. The boys immediately went crashing into the water as Jake looked at Lana and said, "Want to take shifts? I'll keep an eye on the boys for a minute while you get ready, but then I want to take a nap. I'm still getting situated with all the jet lag and the time change."

"Yeah, that's fine," said Lana. "By the way, don't laugh at my swimsuit."

"Why would I laugh?" said Jake as he set down the cooler.

"It's just I don't know... You used to always make fun of me when we were younger." she said

"LT, you look great, you shouldn't be so worried about it," he said as he headed down towards the water.

"Okay," she said as she self-consciously removed her t-shirt, showing off her yellow and green one piece. She applied her sunscreen, as she watched the boys playing in the water with Jake.

After a quick dip in the cool water, Jake came back up to the cooler, pulled over a nearby lounge chair, and got himself comfortable under the shade of an oak tree and laid back to try and catch a quick nap.

His nap induced haze was disturbed some time later, when Jake heard some footsteps approaching and a voice, tangy as the Elberta Peach he'd had with his lunch.


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