Chapter 4 Treatment Begins

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Hot shot, Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were soon going to start treatment for their brain cancer. They were all pretty nervous about it. But they were ready to face their cancer head on and fight it. They were going to be very brave. The first part of their treatment was radiation. They were all pretty nervous about it. So they each watched the video about radiation treatment from the imaginary friend society. It helped them learn about how the radiation therapy is painless and how long it would take. They also learned the possible side effects. They learned how long they will have radiation for. It helped them feel much better about it.

Then they all met each other in the clinic where the radiation therapy and other treatments take place. Hot shot, Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were all happy to see each other. They all started to play together. "I am a little nervous," Hot shot said.

"I am a little nervous too," Hoist said.

"I am a bit worried," Medix said.

"I am a little worried too," Whirl said.

"I am kind of scared," Wedge said.

"But after watching the video on radiation from the Imaginary Friend Society I don't feel so nervous," Hot shot said.

Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge agreed with him on that.

"I am ready to be brave," Hot shot said.

"I am going to be brave," Hoist said.

"I am ready to be very brave," Medix said.

"I am going to be as brave as brave can be," Whirl said.

"I am going to be very brave," Wedge said.

"I wonder which of us is going to go first?" Hoist asked.

"Well we will soon find out," Medix said.

He was right a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said.

"Looks like I am first," Hot shot said. Hot shot followed the nurse to were the radiation treatment happens. First Hot shot got to choose some music to listen too during his treatment. Hot shot was really looking forward to listening to Pokemon music from the series through the speakers. Hot shot saw a big machine. It looked kind of weird, it looked kind of like a space gizmo. Hot shot climbed on to the bed. "Okay Hot shot are you ready for your special mask?" A radiographer asked.

Hot shot laid down on the table. "I'm ready," Hot shot said. The mask was put on Hot shot's head and clipped in place. Then the bed was moved into position. Then they checked if the machine was in the right position. "Okay Hot shot we are already," the radiographer said. Then she left the room. "Okay Hot shot we are ready to start," she said through the speaker.

Hot shot stayed very still during the radiation treatment. He didn't move a muscle, he just focused on the music. He was doing great then after 15 minutes it was over. "Good job Hot shot we are all done for today," the radiographer said. She came back into the room and took off Hot shot's mask. Then Hot shot was able to leave the room.

Hot shot saw his friends. "Well? What was it like?" Hoist asked. The others wanted to know too.

"It was okay, it didn't hurt at all," Hot shot said. "The machine did make a weird sound, there was a bright light and a weird smell, but that's it," he said. "It is okay and not that scary," he said. "I also got to listen to music while it was happening," he said.

Then a nurse came out. "Hoist," the nurse said. It was now Hoist's turn. Hoist went back and had the same experience as Hot shot. It wasn't that bad. It was kind of neat too.

Medix went after Hoist. He got to experience it. It really wasn't that scary at all.

Whirl went after Medix. She found it kind of fun when they were doing it. It wasn't so bad.

Wedge went last and he saw what it was like. It wasn't so scary after all.

The kids saw that radiation treatment wasn't so bad. They were very happy about that. They were soon in the playroom together. They were all playing together. They were having a lot of fun. Then Penny the child life specialist came up to them. "Hi Penny," they said.

"Hello, Hot shot, Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge," Penny said. "I want to talk to you about hair loss," she said.

"Okay," the kids said.

"Does it hurt?" Hoist asked.

"Some feel tingling or itching, or burning or soreness, some don't feel anything," Penny said.

"Okay," the kids said.

"How soon does it happen?" Whirl asked.

"Your hair might fall out 2 to 3 weeks after treatment starts or sooner or later it is different for everyone," she said. "But a few months after treatment ends your hair will start to grow back," she said.

"Okay" the kids said.

"Some kids only lose a little hair, which means there will be patches of hair left, others lose their hair slowly, others lose their hair really fast, many even lose their eyebrows and eyelashes," she said.

The kids then watched the video about hair loss from the imaginary friend society. It explained how it happens is different for everyone. It showed all the different options for hair loss such as wigs, hats and being you. It helped them feel better about it. They were kind of excited about finding which option worked best for them. It looked like a lot of fun to try all the different options.

The kids were able to go to there rooms for a while. Then Hot shot's, Hoist's, Medix's, and Wedge's fathers and Whirl's mother came in for a shift with the kids. That made them happy. But it was still sad to see the parent who was with them leave. It made them sad but they knew they would come back always.

They were soon getting settled in for the night. They knew they were going to have more radiation tomorrow and were told it would be for six weeks for each of them. They were ready to do it. They were going to be very brave and face their cancer head on. They were determined to kick their cancer's butt and they were going to do it too!

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