Meet Wedge

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Wedge is a playful and active five year old. He lives with his parents Dugout, and Paintstroke. He also has three older brothers, Heavyload who is 11, Gridlock who is 9 and Hightower who is 7. 

Dugout his father is a construction foreman. He is dedicated, serious and a hard worker. He makes sure the job gets done properly and everyone stays safe. He is very good man too. He is a very loving and loyal husband and father. He loves his wife and four sons very much.

Paintstroke works as an interior designer. She has a great eye for design. She is very kind and helpful. She designed each of her sons rooms to the way they wanted it. She is a very loving and devoted wife and mother. She loves her husband and four sons with all of her heart.

Heavyload his oldest brother is brave and strong. He is a wrestling champ and loves his brothers. He is fun to play with and is a good big brother to have when you need someone to protect you.

Gridlock is one of his older brothers. He is also the second oldest. He is the best with the computers and knows that work comes before play. He is very diligent and helps his brothers with their problems.

Hightower is the third child of the brothers. He was born two years before Wedge. He is one who is the one to listen when one needs a listening ear. He is good at games where you need a good eye. He tends to look outside the box at a problem. 

Wedge himself is active and playful. He loves to play with his brothers. He loves to run jump climb and play. He also loves to ride his bike. He loves animals, construction work, Bumblebee the star of many TV shows and his own online streaming show and Pokemon. Wedge is very clever with his hands. He also loves to dig. He can also have temper on him. He is very kind and caring too. 

Wedge has his grandparents on his fathers side who he and his brothers call Pops and Grams. They live in Los Angles California. They have their mom's parents who they call Papop and GranGran. They live in Baltimore Maryland. They visits either of their grandparents whenever they can.

Wedge has always been very healthy like his brothers. He sometimes got cuts, scraped, bumps, and bruises. It was just like any other child. He never been to the ER. He only been to the doctor for check ups. He never had any kind of fever or cold. It made his parents happy to have four healthy boys.

Wedge didn't know his life was soon going to change. He was also going to make four life long best friends too.

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