Meet Whirl

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Whirl is a playful and energetic five year old. She lives with her parents Skyspot and Airlift. They all live in Fort Worth Texas.

Skyspot her father is a stay at home dad. He takes care of everything around the house. He cleans, and cooks. He also runs errands, does the shopping and laundry. He also takes good care of his daughter Whirl. He is a very loving and loyal husband and father. He loves his wife and daughter very much. 

Airlift her mother is a helicopter pilot for an air ambulance that works for Cook Children's hospital. She is very strong, brave, determined and focused. She focuses on the task at hand. She has gotten many children to the hospital fast. She is a very loving and devoted wife and mother. She loves her husband and daughter with all of her heart.

Whirl is a very playful girl who is full of energy. She loves to run, jump, climb and play. She loves to pretend to be a police officer. She loves to ride her new bike. She loves to draw and color. She is a very sweet, caring and loving little girl. 

Whirl has other family members too. She has her father's parents who live in New York City New York. She calls them Pop and Gran. The family visits them whenever they can. She has her mother's parents who live in Seattle Washington. She calls them Gramps and Grammy. She visits them whenever she can too. 

Whirl has always been very healthy. She sometimes got bumps, cuts, scrapes and bruises. But that was normal for most children. She never had fever or cold almost. She never been to the ER and only had to see the doctor for  check ups. It made her parents happy to have such a healthy child.

Whirl was going to start Kindergarten in the fall.

Whirl didn't know what was going to happen in her life. She was always going to make four life long best friends too. 

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