Chapter 2 Tests and Stars

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Hot shot, Hoist, Medix, Whirl, and Wedge just found out they have brain tumors. The type of brain tumor each of them have is Medulloblastoma which is a type of brain cancer. They were ready to be brave and face it head on. They were wondering why they got brain tumors or cancer in the first place. They also had sore chests from getting the Hickman lines put in. They were worried about things but they hoped everything was going to be alright. They had a lot to think about during treatment.

They were having a lot of trouble sleeping that night. All of these kids were trying to understand what was happening to them. The kids were wondering if it was their fault they had brain cancer. They were wondering a few things. But they had to sleep.

The next morning the kids woke up. They were being checked over the nurses. They were being looked at all over.

"Mommy when can I see my big brothers?" Wedge asked.

"I am sorry Wedge, your brothers aren't allowed to come, siblings used to be able to come but after the pandemic everything changed," Paintstroke said.

"But I want to see my brothers!" Wedge said about to cry. 

"Please calm down sweetie I know your brothers want to see you too," Paintstroke said. "Would you like to face time them?" she asked. She hoped that would be a way for Wedge to see and talk to his brothers without violating hospital rules.

"Yes," Wedge said.

Paintstroke called Heavyload. The brothers were home due to it being Saturday. "Hello," Heavyload said. "Hi mom," he said. Gridlock and Hightower came up to the phone.

"Hi mom," Gridlock said.

"Hi mom," Hightower said.

"Your father probably already told you about what is happening to Wedge right?" Paintstroke said.

"Yes he did, is Wedge okay?" Heavyload asked.

"Is he alright?" Gridlock said.

"How is he doing?" Hightower asked.

"He wants to talk you, he was wanting you here, but the hospital doesn't allow siblings to visit since the pandemic, so facetiming is a way for him to see and talk to you," Paintstroke said. Then she handed the phone to Wedge.

"Hi little brother," Heavyload said.

"Hey there Wedge," Gridlock said.

"Hey there little bro," Hightower said.

"I really miss you guys," Wedge said. 

"We miss you too," Heavyload said. Gridlock and Hightower agreed. 

"So how are you feeling?" Gridlock said.

"Okay I guess, but my head is still sore and painful, the doctor said it will be a while before the headache goes away from the removal of the tumor that was causing it," Wedge said. 

"Some of your hair is gone," Hightower said. He noticed the slight angle of his hair looking different from the way Wedge was holding the phone.

"Yes the doctors had to shave it off so they could do the operation," Wedge said. "I am going to have a scar when I am fully healed from it," he said. "I still have the staples in the incision," he said. 

"Cool, can we see?" Heavyload asked. Gridlock and Hightower agreed. Wedge turned his head to the right and Paintstroke helped position the phone so they could see the spot were the mark was. 

"That is a big mark," Gridlock said.

"Neat," Hightower said. 

Wedge talked with his brothers for a few more minutes.

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