Chapter 53: The First Event (IV).

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Chapter 53: The First Event (IV).

Professor Fraeya had to make sure that she wasn't just hallucinating, back then in the classroom almost male humans gave off an unpleasant aura when the student came into the faculty room that her senses immediately told her to get her out of there or else.



The professor snaps out of her trance, trying not to look so out of it she forces herself to smile, placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her somewhere else. "Yes sorry, we'll do your introductions in a private space. I'll borrow one of the private rooms here in the faculty for a moment. Please come with me, Miss Analissa Blanchet."

"Alright, professor." (Analissa) nods with ease, she couldn't explain why but for some reason her stomach is telling her that it was alright to trust the elf woman.

"Let's go then."

Analissa noticed that the elf professor was being more guarded than usual, not only that the other teachers' stares didn't go unnoticed. She was relieved that they're going somewhere private for the introduction.

The heroine followed the professor and was led to one of the private offices or the faculty just like she said.


The door closes, the elf woman could now think more clearly. She locks the door and closes the blinds, fearing that their eyes would still linger if she did not do something. Once the blinds were secure, she took a chair and sat down. "We can start your introduction here. You may remain standing up in your position and tell me something about you."

The Japanese streamer, having only finished high school before getting sick, dropping out and using streaming as her means to escape and income has forgotten what it's like to introduce yourself in front of the teacher.

In private too.

But in a way this is much better than having the whole class watch and stare.

"I'll start now." The blonde girl steadies herself, remembering to take elegance, poise and grace into her curtsy.

"My name is Analissa Blanchet. I come from a humble home in the countryside and I attended the academy to learn more about magic, get stronger and reach my personal goals." She couldn't manage to make eye contact with the professor because with the way she's doing her perfect curtsy it almost broke her back.

"I look forward to learning more." She finishes and waits for the elven woman to say something about her introduction like how its short or how her curtsy is lacking but instead-

"If you mind Miss Analissa, may I ask you something?" (Professor Fraeya) asks, looking a bit serious and stern.

"Go ahead, professor." (Analissa) was already expecting a mountain of complaints, scolding about her introduction. She thought that maybe she's going to ask her if she's an idiot sandwich who doesn't know how to introduce herself at the level of nobility.

"What is your relationship with the Duchess, Lady Alarie?"

". . ."

Analissa had to replay that a few more times in her head because she really didn't actually know... what her relationship with the villainess truly is yet- so she couldn't answer so quickly.

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