Chapter 31: Sugar Mommy Vibes.

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Chapter 31: Sugar Mommy Vibes.

The villainess' room was strangely... peaceful and pretty.

Including the heroine who has just awoken from her slumber, and out of her cold. Holding her hand up to her head, she realizes her fever was no more.

There will be no further excuses as to why she'll be able to spend another night in Lady Evelyn Alarie's chambers.

Analissa Blanchet sighs, seeing that her fever is gone so fast. Perhaps it was for the better her mind has told, her heart however was screaming-

"Screw you cold! Achoo!"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Alas even if the wake of dizziness was gone, it was unfortunate that she still had some mucus stuck in her nose. "Ugh and my throat still feels so itchy... I suppose that will take a while to heal."

She tells herself in a mutter looking at her hands. "When I get to my room, I'll have some spells learned so that her ladyship won't catch my cold."

Analissa has said in pure determination. She clearly has been playing the role of a damsel when she brought the words to herself of the villainess' savior!

"Oh? How thoughtful of you, Miss Blanchet. Learning such spells just so you won't harm our lady is lovely."


The blonde girl hasn't realized that all of her monologue has blocked the noises from outside.

"Oh! Hello Liara, I didn't notice you coming in."

It seems Liara has welcomed herself to come inside the master's bedroom not minding the girl's business with her muttering. After all she has seen her worst side already when she was being so entertaining while she was sick.

"I knocked three times and asked if I would be able to come in. Worried that you may have fallen sick again so I let myself in." (Liara) smiles sweetly looking over her patient slash guest.

"Do you still feel unwell? Any headaches or other symptoms?" she asks, reaching out for the blonde girl's forehead and checking her own with her other free hand.

Analissa softly smiles telling the maid with reassurance that she's well. "I'm alright now, so well enough I'm going to be coming to school today."

The heroine has barely seen any part of the magic curriculum of the game!

From the villainess' story, in the afternoon there was a bunch of homework that she's in need to do and pray tell there was a dueling class! She couldn't wait to go to school today!

After getting her uniform back to the commoner's dorm first of course.

"Oh school?" (Liara) blinks in surprise. It seems having a cold could even make you forget what time of the day it should be. "I regret to inform you Miss Blanchet, today is the weekend. You'll have to wait for two days before you go back to the academy."

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