Chapter 42: Walk Her Home (I).

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Chapter 42: Walk Her Home (I).

Farrah would often see how things were going out in the restaurant. Not too long ago the blonde girl asked for another scarf to which thankfully her grandmother keeps a lot around the place.

"My familiar... is asking if you were free after work?" (Lady Evelyn)

"Eh?" (Analissa)


"I mean I am- in an hour. Is that okay?" The heroine hesitantly answers but she looks happy being asked out by the other party.

"Yes that's alright- I mean Losimer says it's alright." (Lady Evelyn) held Losimer's small beak shut before replying.

The two were conversing with one another happily before Analissa excused herself to work on the other things inside the restaurant. Farrah had finished cooking the other entrée and she was left with nothing to do but keep watch.

It seems that both the Villainess and the side character were watching over the heroine cleaning, how they both wanted to try helping her but they had their own places to be.

Lady Evelyn had a little argument with her familiar who seemed to be not on good terms with her at the moment. Losimer, while his stomach was full from the berries- he was growing a tantrum as well.

"Tweet! Tweet! Chirp!" (Losimer) stood on the table chirping, conversing with his master on how dirty she was for using his name to ask out the blonde girl to walk with her home.

"Losimer, cease your attitude. You were the one who suggested we wait in on her after the working hours." (Lady Evelyn) whispers perhaps a little too loudly, but the bird did not give up and puffed his feathered chest.

He has done all this information gathering, spying and giving her guidance-

"Chirp, hmph." He crosses his feathers looking away and not in a good mood. It was a form of betrayal for the little familiar, "Tweet... Tweet?"

Losimer told Lady Evelyn that she could've at least told him in advance about her plan.

The villainess felt guilty knowing that her own little red sparrow familiar was right.

"It was... I... Okay, I blacked out. I couldn't think of a good reason or excuse to ask her to walk with me home. I was worried after all she just recovered from a cold- I'm not even sure if her dormitory is safe."

"Those girls that bullied her might come back for revenge for what I did to them." she sighs, eyes lingering on the heroine. Seeing her working happily even while her condition nearly recovered made her think coming into the restaurant was necessary.

"I apologize for using you to get what I needed. I'll inform you ahead the next time- it's just- if I'm being honest with you Losimer." (Lady Evelyn) apologized, and that took a lot out of her.

She hesitated to continue even biting her lip.

"Tweet, tweet?" (Losimer) hears the disturbance in his master's voice. This is one of those very rare times he's seen her... nervous?

"Ahem... my mind just... goes rather foggy when she's around like I forget how I act, my mind full of color- too much to handle. I wasn't always like this before." (Lady Evelyn) covers her eyes, brushing the front of her hair back resting on the wooden chair. "I need to know what's happening to me."

Eyes serious, determined, and curious to know what was happening to her she needed to ask could this blonde girl casted a distraction spell on her?

Meanwhile... The said blonde girl working on the other tables finished cleaning and entertaining the old people in the corner playing a game of cards.

The oldies went home and there was no one else inside except for the villainess.

"Whew... five minutes until my shift is over." (Analissa) wipes the sweat off her brow and smiles seeing that she's worked hard for the first time in a while. "I have to thank Farrah for the second scarf she lent me and get the old one by the window."

Removing the scarf and taking the old one, she heads into the kitchen where she sees the buff individual standing by the side of the entrance door.

"Farrah! Thank you for all these scarves, the bird certainly felt comfortable using this but I feel bad- how about I wash these first before returning it?" (Analissa) offered to wash them before giving it back, feeling guilty of using it and then just returning it dirty.

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