Chapter 33: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (I).

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Chapter 33: A Weapon Fit for a Weak Heroine (I).

Oh how the tables of fate have given her such a very unique scene.

A background character, a side character and the main antagonist altogether.

Farrah who was still holding her waist couldn't help but bite her lip slightly feeling the girl's fragile state but remembered that they weren't alone. There were still the same men that were following the Heroine to which she didn't take kindly looking at.

"Leave. Her. Alone." (Farrah) places the heroine behind her and shoos the male npcs who seems to be getting worse the more that she sees Miss Analissa Blanchet walking all alone into the capital city.

"She's... scary as hell man let's get out of here."


"As always- my wife must be waiting for me."

Many of the weak willed ones already left with their tails between their legs but for the desperate ones that seemed to be strong willed enough stayed and fought for their love, seeing Farrah as a huge obstacle for their path of romance.

For some reason in their eyes, the heroine was scared- a voice was ringing in their head whispering the same thing.

'Help her... Help the girl. Can't you see she's in trouble? Don't you want to be the hero in this story?'

One of the men that heard the voices, swallowed the lump in his throat fantasizing of such a dream. He gets the girl and is hailed as a hero who saved her from- a giant lady that was clearly trying to keep her for herself.

"I-I'm not afraid of you-! I'm willing to go down in a fight for the girl!" With such determination he steps foot forward and faces Farrah with his fists raised up by his sides.

"..." (Farrah) who was only saying mean things so that people will go- didn't actually intend on going any further like fighting... because she was afraid that she'll hurt them.

The two girls behind were watching everything.

"Evelyn, come on let's just go-" (Lady Serene) was about to drag her friend to leave though the one who has lost all her patience watching them was Lady Evelyn Alarie who clicks her tongue walking in her high heels strutting looking so- cool.

"When a lady says leave them alone, you follow." The villainess glares walking in front of the kind giant and the heroine.

Her angry tone was gone in a moment and then she responded next with a sweet tone.

"Unless you want to hit a noble, go on be my guest. You'll have to get through me before you can get to them. A noble lady like me shouldn't get into a fight, but you seem easy enough to take down in a dress." (Lady Evelyn) didn't understand why her body was moving on her own and her lips were saying things she didn't even mean but maybe seeing some stranger defend Miss Blanchet made her like this but the girl wasn't aware.

"So... cool!" (Analissa) whispers to herself trying not to faint, her beloved villainess was trying to pick a fight!

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