Chapter 12: Scarf- is good.

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Chapter 12: Scarf- is good.

Analissa is happy to be partnered with the Villainess with their egg project that their teacher Mr. Lionheart gave. She currently left the egg in the care of the other girl while she was already on time for her work as a waitress at 'Whitlock Resto'.

"Hah... I hope no crowd forms around me when I try getting to work today."

She runs around the city block and immediately she's seen by a lot of men having hearts for eyes. "Miss! It's you again! You've come once more!"

"Oh it's her! She's back!"

"The same pretty lady from before?!"

"No way! Hey miss! Remember me?!"

Analissa grimaced and continued running as fast as she could into the restaurant and saw that the front door was locked with a sign that says 'Closed- Private Guest'. She tried prying it open, shaking the doorknob but there was no reaction.

"Oh no! It's closed today?!"

With a private guest nonetheless! Who could it be? And why wasn't she informed of this a moment of time ahead?!

She grumbles in disappointment looking around seeing that several men have already cornered her there. They smile very wildly introducing themselves, hoping that the girl would remember them.

"Hey there miss- fancy seeing you again it must be fate..."

"Shut up, give her some space, let the pretty girl breathe! And maybe I can ask for your name, milady?"

The ranting continued on, it feels like all Analissa could hear was dogs barking nonsense to her ears.

Oh how unfortunate! If she only had known it would be closed she wouldn't have come!

"Is there a problem here?" a familiar voice rang out.

There at the side of the store, stood a tall muscular woman with dark brown hair.

She crossed her arm and leaned in to these men that looked puny if you compared her to their sizes. She noticed the little blonde girl that she saved before, the really beautiful one that managed to round up the most customers they have had in ages.

"I see... they will never leave you alone." she says in disappointment looking at the guys behind her.

Analissa gasps happily at the figure that came to save her from this situation- "Farrah!" she yells out her name quickly getting behind her for safety.

Farrah realized- how adorable she hid.

She was like her old pet hamster... hamham.

Suddenly she felt angry, how dare they corner her like this?!

The men saw the giant in front of them and their knees shook in fear. Not again, they thought- Farrah crossed her arms and made sure the Heroine was safe behind her while she cracked her knuckles together intimidating the suitors.

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