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╔══《"Maybe life's less romantic》══╗
When I don't wanna die"

       Staring at the plate in front of him, waves of nausea washed over Finn like he was sitting in the surf. The sweet smell of the cinnamon toast, perfectly golden brown and sprinkled with a layer of sugar, wafted to his nose, causing him to scrunch it up in disgust.

       The large heaping of yellow scrambled eggs was threatening, Finn eying it up suspiciously. By now, his brothers had already finished their breakfasts, dirty dishes stacked in the sink. Still, Finn remained at his spot at the long kitchen table.

       No one was in the room, yet he felt a pressure bearing down on him. It chanted in his mind, telling him he had to eat all the food, or his parents would no longer love him. "If you don't eat your food, they'll send you back," the voice said.

       Rushing, Finn grasped the fork sitting on the table, shoveling a large portion of eggs onto it. In a swift bite, he shoved the food straight down his throat. In a hurry, he quickly scooped up more. Bite after bite, his stomach expanded to make room.

       By the time he finished, the entire plate was scraped clean. Even the glass of milk that was previously full to the brim was chugged.

       All of a sudden, Finn lurched forward. His stomach--not expecting the large amount of food in such a short amount of time--contracted in unhappiness. The movements caused pain to flood through his entire body. Hurried, he shoved his chair back, bolting upright.

       The faint sound of his brothers' voices trailed through the hallways, stemming from the foyer of the abode. Avoiding that room, Finn ran to the bathroom near the back of the house. Flinging the white wooden door open, the cracking paint met his roughed up hands. Not bothering to lock the door, Finn knew he had to get to the toilet as soon as possible.

       Crouching low on the tile floor, the coldness blossomed against his warm legs. In fact, his entire body had erupted into heat, sweat pooling off his forehead in droplets. Dampened and sticky, Finn's hair clung to the nape of his neck.

       Shoving his face down into the toilet, he gagged once more, the bitter taste of stomach acid invading his tongue's taste buds. When gagging elicited no reaction from his stomach, Finn knew he had to force himself.

       Crouching, he rested his entire body weight suspended over the bowl with the support of his left arm. With his right, he prepared his pointer and middle fingers. Opening his mouth wide, he closed his eyes in preparation.

       The bathroom around him began to swirl and twist. The toilet distorted, and the walls felt as though they were moving inward toward him. Frantic and frenzied, the panting boy shoved his finger past his tongue and to his throat.

       Rolling his eyes back, his body collapsed in a heap as vomit spilled out of his mouth. Chunks of eggs, and liquidy milk were visible in the bile.

       In his delirious state, Finn acknowledged that his brothers were most likely waiting for him to leave for school. So, despite every atom in his body begging him to fall asleep on the comforting bathroom floor, he pushed himself up instead. His arms shook with the weight of his own body.

       One of the Band-aids on his left elbow had fallen off due to the sweat build up causing the adhesive to unstick. Once exposed to the air, the red and tender rug burn began to sting.

       The sensation wasn't strong, but Finn wished it were. At least the pain meant he was alive.

       Gripping the edge of the sink, he yanked his entire body up, stumbling. Regaining his balance, Finn firmly placed both his hands on either side of the sink. Taking one last breath in he reached for the shiny spherical door knob.

(Angst BxB) Misguided Ghostsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें