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╔══《"You kept me like a secret,》══╗
but I kept you like an oath."

       Corbin's hands were still shaking by the time he entered first period chemistry. His heart hadn't stopped pounding, but he was forced to attend school nonetheless. Now, in the uncomfortable desk chair, his focus was anywhere but the classroom. Ahead of him, his middle aged, balding teacher, droned on about moles and elements.

       The tired teenager yawned for the tenth time in the past minute, knowing that if he dared rest his head on his desk for even a second, he would be out cold. In order to keep himself awake, Corbin physically held his eyelids open, only letting them close occasionally to blink.

      It didn't help that his teacher had such a monotone and boring voice, and teaching style. All the lights were off, the only glow coming from the filtered windows. This provided the perfect amount of dimness for prime napping.

       Glancing around, Corbin noted all the heads down. Looking over at the guy sitting next to him, Corbin held back a laugh. The boy with shaggy dirty blonde hair had his mouth open, drool dripping down his chin. He was sitting upright, having fallen asleep in that position. His breath was heavy in his throat, on the borderline of snoring.

       Does this teacher not know that nobody's listening? Or does he just not care... Corbin pondered, staring at the back of his shiny head. In his hand was a piece of white chalk, the blackboard in the front covered in scribbles and scratches that sort of resembled English if you squinted enough.

       The chalk wasn't dark enough for Corbin to see from the back of the classroom, but the illegible handwriting made it so even someone in the front row would be troubled when trying to understand. Can those chicken scratches even be considered letters?

       It was no surprise the entire class was failing. Corbin was still stuck and confused on the first lesson: significant figures; and it didn't help that his teacher skipped the lesson on writing molecular formulas. This left the entire class confused and lost, permanently. 

       This wasn't even an honors class, but the tests were hard enough for it to be considered one. 

       The hands on the large analog clock moved at snail pace. The more Corbin stared at them, the slower they seemed to tick. Sighing, he gave in to temptation, putting his head down on his desk. 

       His arms were folded like a pretzel, and his hood fell to cover his face, blocking off any light from the classroom. With his head on his arms, the sound from the room was muffled, and his eyes closed instantly.

       Sighing, Corbin found peace in his mind. The loud ringing in his ears had vanished, as did his headache. This...this is peace. He smiled, content to lay here all day. However, when he glanced up at the clock one last time, he found that only thirty seconds had passed. A watched pot never boils, he figured, closing his eyes once more.

       All of a sudden, a loud bang startled him up. His teacher had stormed over, and slammed a stack of papers on a desk, the sound reverberating throughout the empty classroom. The sound was especially loud for Corbin, resonating right next to his ear, because the teacher had chosen the guy next to him to wake up. 

       Corbin watched as the blonde comically jolted upright, looking around panicked. Laughing to himself, Corbin covered his mouth with his left hand, propping his elbow up on his desk.

       "No sleeping in class, young man!" the teacher--who's name was so irrelevant Corbin couldn't bother remembering--yelled. His voice boomed, the classroom falling silent. Dumbfounded, the confused boy glanced around frantically.

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