Their policy was (relatively) moderate diplomacy combined with radical domestic policies. Liberal Party members with experience on the international stage functioned as stoppers against the radical claims of young legislators, educating them well on how poorly Japan had handled such matters before the war. They fostered a cooperative attitude in diplomacy while also cultivating balanced sensibilities in other areas.

On the domestic front, various entities were stirring within the country. The existence of those who turned a blind eye to situations that failed to protect national interests irked them, leading to an uncompromising stance. The major point of contention was constitutional revision. The LNP, seeking to eliminate domestic troublemakers and pursue national interests through legal means, diligently prepared for it leveraging its position as the sole ruling party.

In response, opposing forces banded together to thwart the LNP. Initially, negative campaigns through the media were prevalent, but as the legislation approached fruition, tactics became more extreme. Parliamentary brawls, threats against supporters and legislators, attacks on offices, and more...

These direct acts of violence led to a rapid reduction in the size of the rebellious faction without the LNP needing to intervene. Driven to the brink, they finally launched a large-scale uprising. Armed uprisings, self-styled as the Japanese Liberation Army, organized primarily by communist forces, began in Kyūshū and Hokkaidō.

The weapons they possessed were not makeshift but genuine. As the first responders, the police suffered significant casualties and retreated. As a result, the mobilization of the Self-Defense Forces was decided upon, and they were deployed. The uprising, which escalated into a full-fledged armed conflict, would later be recorded as Japan's last civil war since the Satsuma Rebellion.

After six months of clashes, the Self-Defense Forces emerged victorious. Subsequent investigations revealed that the forces in Kyūshū were supported by China, while those in Hokkaidō were supported by the Soviet Union. Domestic forces functioning as recipients of this support were also revealed one after another, leading to the expulsion of a considerable number of troublemakers.

As a result of this uprising, ongoing legal reforms were adapted to a more pragmatic form, and significant weaknesses in the organization and equipment of the Self-Defense Forces were exposed, which served as valuable lessons. After the completion of legal reforms, further measures were taken, including the elimination of additional troublemakers, the reorganization of the Self-Defense Forces into a national defense force, the strengthening of domestic intelligence, and educational reforms, which accelerated Japan's recovery and development. The diplomatic policy aiming at cooperation was compelled to undergo slight adjustments.

In particular, the stance towards China and the Soviet Union, which triggered the civil war, became more stringent, and the faction advocating reconciliation with both countries completely lost momentum. Furthermore, simultaneous with the completion of legal reforms was the commencement of disputes with South Korea over Takeshima.

The Japanese government, after coordinating with the US government, initially proposed negotiations stating, "If immediate return of Takeshima is conducted, actions taken during that time will be overlooked," infuriating the South Korean government with this demand.

At the negotiation table, they vehemently denounced Japan and, as a retaliatory measure, stationed fleets around Takeshima and mobilized the air force to repeat provocative acts. Furthermore, they attributed these actions to Japan and demanded an apology and compensation.

In response to these moves, Japan froze all assistance to South Korea and demanded immediate repayment of the paid portion of the post-war reparations and compensation for the fishermen detained during the occupation of Takeshima, as well as for the firing upon the patrol boats that intervened. Simultaneously, in response to the movements of the South Korean military, the National Defense Forces were mobilized, preparing for the possibility of armed retrieval. Although the US government intervened and efforts were made to reach a settlement through negotiation, it ultimately broke down, and the situation worsened until both armies were glaring at each other up close.

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