53 ⚠️

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⚠️Sensitive content in this chapter. Content includes topics of nightmares and nightmares terrors, mental health, and strong language. Discretion is advised.⚠️
~*Wei Wuxian's POV*~

Wisps of dark energy flew across the sky. It was all over the place. Cultivators from the other sects were fighting each other and fierce corpses that I had summoned. They were covered in blood and dirt. Behind me, I saw the remains of what used to be a pyre and ash and bones of a dead body were all that was left. I saw one thing that I recognized, it was a red piece of cloth. It was one a piece of Wen Qing's clothes she had on before she died.

I could only imagine what was going through her head as she was being burned alive and her brother had to stand there and watch. I heard he lost control and many thought it was my doing. I was still trapped inside the mounds at the time so it wasn't me.

I was standing there now and everyone wanted me dead. A spirit soon stood before me. It was Wen Qing, "A'Ying, how could you let them hurt my brother? How could you be so careless?" She asked.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, you know that!" I told her, "I was brought into a trap and now Wen Ning, you, and I have to pay for it."

"Not just him, what about the rest of my village? What about A'Yuan? How could you leave a defenseless little boy alone in the mounds and come here to die?!" Wen Qing spat.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You can say sorry all you want, but do you think A'Yuan will ever forgive you?" She asked.

My eyes shot open and tears were rolling down my face. It was still the middle of the night so I guess I wasn't asleep long. Lan Zhan was laying beside me. Normally I would be sleeping against him but right now we were a little further apart. I let out a sigh and quietly got out of bed. Due to our nightly activities, I currently had nothing on so I slipped on my trousers and a tunic and grabbed a robe before stepping outside for some fresh air.

I sat outside for what seemed like hours but it was only a few minutes. Lan Zhan usually can tell in his sleep when I am not near him. Since he could tell I was not beside him, he woke up and found me outside.

"Wei Ying, is everything alright?" He asked me as he sat beside me. I shook my head. Tears kept falling and I choked out a sob as I couldn't find words to say. Lan Zhan pulled me to his lap and wrapped his arms around me, "What is wrong?"

"Bad dream," I answered and let out another sob, "and guilt."

"What guilt?" Wangji asked.

I shook my head, "A'Yuan," I whispered, "Wen Ning and Wen Qing...if I knew it was a trap I wouldn't have gone. Wen Qing would be alive and I wouldn't have looked as if I abandoned A'Yuan at the mounds."

"That happened so long ago," Lan Zhan told me, "A'Yuan is safe and has long since moved forward. It's going to be okay, Wei Ying."

"You don't know that," I said, "I think back about the past all the time. What would have happened if I didn't antagonize Wen Chao or if I didn't give up my core. Or even survive the burial mounds when Wen Chao threw me in."

"What brought this up so suddenly?" Lan Zhan asked.

I shrugged.

"Wei Ying, something is bothering you and you are not saying anything about it. Please talk to me," Lan Zhan begged.

"In my dream, Wen Qing was disappointed in me. She told me that I should have protected her brother and A'Yuan better. She scolded me for leaving A'Yuan alone at the mounds around the time I died," I explained.

"I don't think Wen Qing is disappointed in you," Lan Zhan said, "you should talk to her. You have a lot of her items here and you can summon her through them. You need to face her. You won't fully move on if you do not."

"I am scared to," I said.

"It's okay to be scared, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said, "but you won't overcome it if you do not face it. You said Lan A told you that you are to face people from your past now that you can see spirits. You can even go to the spirit world so you are more than likely to see people from your past more."

I sighed and nodded, "I know, but I just can't do it right now. I don't think I am ready."

"Only you will know when the time is right," he said, "but just know that I am here for you."

I nodded, "did I wake you?"

"I felt you were not next to me and I woke up to find you were not even in bed," he answered, "it's still a while before morning. Do you want to try and get some sleep?"

"Okay," I said. Lan Zhan smiled and stood up with me in his arms. He then carried me inside and laid me down in bed. He laid next to me and pulled me close to him, "I love you so much, Lan Zhan."

"I love you too, Wei Ying," he said, "don't ever forget that."

I snuggled as close as I could to him and I felt his lips resting on my forehead. He then slowly slid them down my nose to my own lips and kissed me. I really needed it. No matter what I was going through, Lan Zhan was there. He is there to help me through it. He is there to comfort me and protect me. I never felt that I needed protection but when it's him, he can protect me all he wants. He made me feel safe and secure. I know that he knew that too. After he kissed me I was much more relaxed and content. I was able to fall back to sleep and not have any nightmares this time.

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