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After bringing it up with Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen, the two thought it would be a good idea to try and help Wuxian overcome his fear of dogs. They wanted to try to do that before he considered meeting Jiang Cheng. Since Jiang Cheng has threatened Wuxian with dogs on numerous occasions, they wanted to help make sure Jiang Cheng doesn't have that advantage anymore.

Even though Cloud Recesses has a no animals policy, it was excused for this situation. It was also excused for Wangji and Wuxian's rabbits so, it was a rule that might soon be overturned in general if it needs to be done. As for where they will be doing these tests, they decided to go to the Mingshi. It was an easy place to set up barriers and help Wuxian out if he got too panicked.

Wangji agreed to stay near Wuxian, but also at a distance because Wuxian needs to overcome this obstacle for himself. They started off small, with a puppy. There was a privacy screen blocking Wuxian's view, so all he could actually see was the shadow of the puppy. He trembled a little but when the puppy started barking. After a while, Wangji put up a barrier that will keep the puppy from going over to Wuxian. The puppy then was then moved into Wuxian's view.

So far, Wuxian was fine. Maybe it was because there were others in the room with him and he felt safe because of that, and he knows that a puppy isn't as bad as a larger dog and wild dog. So Wangji, Lan Qiren, and Xichen all stepped behind the privacy screen. Once they were out of view, Wuxian began to feel a bit anxious. The puppy looked at Wuxian and barked at him because he wanted attention from someone.

Wuxian remained in his spot. As he was standing there with the puppy across from him, a spirit appeared beside him, "A'Ying," they said.

Wuxian looked to his left and saw a female spirit. He narrowed his eyes, "You look familiar," he said.

Wangji, Lan Qiren and Xichen heard Wuxian talking so the came out from behind the screen. Wangji then moved to stand by Wuxian, "Wei Ying, what is it?"

"There is a woman here," he said, "what's your name?"

"My son, it has indeed been too long. I am sorry that you have long forgotten what I looked like...it's your mother, Dear," she said.

Wei Wuxian's mouth opened then closed. It took him a moment before he could actually speak, "M-Mama?" He asked, "w-why are y-you here?"

The three Lans in the room were a bit shocked themselves. Especially Lan Qiren. The fact that Cangse Sanren's spirit is in the room made him feel...a bit uneasy. He had pushed that thought aside for now though. Hopefully she won't do anything to him.

"Do you not remember? Your core allows me and your father the find you. I see you are trying to overcome a fear," she said, "you can make it all disappear you know. All you have to do is meditate for a moment and allow all your energy to focus on that fear and what you want it to do. You can ask it to go away and allow you to live your life without worrying about having dogs chasing you."

"How do you know that works?" Wuxian asked.

"Who am I?" She asked.

"Cangse Sanren," Wuxian answered.

"Who is my mother and master?" She asked.

"Baoshan Sanren," Wuxian replied.

"Exactly," She said, "she taught me that meditation heals more than just physical pain and spiritual energy. It can help your mind overcome great obstacles."

Wuxian nodded and looked at Wangji and the others, "though he cannot see you, Lan Zhan is my fiancé."

"I see you got yourself a good man," she said and looked at Lan Qiren behind Wangji. She grinned and moved to stand beside him, "he has aged a bit."

Wuxian giggled, "I'm telling him you said that."

"Do it, I dare you," Cangse said.

"Shufu, my Mama said you aged a bit," Wuxian said.

Lan Qiren grumbled, "of course she did. Why is she here?"

"She wanted to give me advice," Wuxian said and sat down.

Wuxian sat in lotus position and did as his mother instructed. After a couple of minutes, it was like something switched inside Wuxian's brain. He opened his eyes and looked at the others who were a bit confused about what was happening. Wuxian then removed the barrier that Wangji had placed. The puppy came running over to him. Wuxian smiled and picked it up, allowing it to lick his face and he could actually pet it without any hesitation or fear.

"It worked," Wuxian said.

"I told you," Cangse said, "I have to go for now but perhaps I will come back again...I would like to see my son get married of course."

"Thank you, Mama," Wuxian said.

"You're welcome my Dear," she said before disappearing.

Wuxian looked at Wangji, "it worked."

"What did you do?" Wangji asked confused.

"My mother just taught me a quick meditation technique. It basically lets me focus on specific areas of my mind. I was able to focus on that fear I have for dogs and I was able to use meditation to help me get rid of the fear...basically," Wuxian explained.

"Mental healing," Lan Qiren said, "hmph, even as a spirit she is still smart as ever...and bold."

"She did actually say that by the way," Wuxian told him.

"I believe you," Lan Qiren said, "is she going to be an issue?"

"I do not think so, but she did say she will be back. She is a spirit. Apparently I can contact her easily because of my new core," Wuxian explained.

"Well, I am glad you were able to see her," Lan Xichen said.

Wuxian looked at Wangji, "She approved of you, by the way."

Wangji smiled, "I will have to thank you next time she is around."

"I wonder if I can extend that ability and allow others to see the spirit I am talking to?" Wuxian questioned.

"Maybe you can hold their hand or something next time, see if that works," Xichen said, "though you should try that with Wangji. I'm sure he wouldn't want just anyone holding your hand."

Wuxian giggled and looked at the puppy in his arms, "I know it worked for a puppy but I should test it out on a bigger dog."

"Why not Fairy?" Xichen asked, "Jin Ling usually brings Fairy to the conference meetings. The next one is coming up soon, which is probably why Jiang Wanyin said he wants to meet you. We can test it then."

Wuxian nodded, "I thought maybe we could test it before then."

"How about tomorrow we head to town to see if there are any dogs on the street?" Wangji asked, "see if it works then?"

"Alright," Wuxian agreed.

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