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⚠️Sensitive Content in that chapter. Content includes, topics of child abuse and neglect.⚠️

Wei Wuxian woke up the next morning with giggles and a smile. His face was being covered with kisses by his husband. He wrapped his arms around Wangji's neck and kissed back with so much love and devotion. The two let out a sigh of content as they spent some time that morning with cuddles and kisses. It was definitely the best way to wake up and Wuxian loved it. Wuxian could feel Wangji's love pour out of him just from the gentleness of his lips. The bond between the two seemed to be getting stronger though as they could really feel its sensation.

"Mmm, Lan Zhan," Wuxian said with a smile, "best way to wake up. If you do that every morning I would always wake up in such a good mood."

"Then I shall wake you like this from now on," Wangji promised, "I know you do not like waking up early this early so I wanted to try to make it comfortable for you."

"Definitely worth it," Wuxian said, "it is not that I don't like being up this early, it's just a matter of waking up. When I am asleep, I want to stay that way until my body tells me otherwise."

Wangji smiled and placed a kiss on his nose, "I think it will change now with me here."

"Mnn," Wuxian said, "why am I up early? I thought we didn't how our class sessions until after lunch."

"I thought we could set up early. I think it's good to try to get you accustomed to our waking hours. If we are up later at night due to our sensual activities, I will let you sleep a bit more," Wangji suggested.

"I do not mind giving it a try," Wuxian said, "I worried in the past to go to sleep because I suffered from nightmares and night terrors. Since being here, I haven't had to worry about them."

"If you have them, I will be here for you," Wangji said.

The two kissed once more before getting up and freshened up a bit before getting dressed. Wangji usually meditates an hour each morning and evening. Wuxian wanted to learn to meditate better but he never asked for help because he felt slightly embarrassed for not knowing the proper methods. He never had to meditate when he grew up in Lotus Pier. His training and physical abuse he endured allowed his cultivation to grow faster than the average cultivator. Madam Yu got angry every time Wuxian advanced more than her son but she never realized her beatings were part of the reason for that. The fact that the more he endured, the stronger he became becaused he used his strength to fight and push forward. It was the only way to overcome her or at least tolerate her to some extent.

Wangji was sitting in his normal spot in the Jingshi. Before he even closed his eyes to begin his meditation, he glanced at Wuxian who was sitting at the table lost in thought. He was staring at the tea that was sitting on the table. He wasn't moving or even showing any emotion. He just looked so lost in his own mind. Wangji furrowed his brow and went over to him to see if he was alright.

"Wei Ying?" He asked as he knelt beside him.

Wuxian blinked a couple times as he came back to reality from being lost in thought. He then looked at Wangji, "Huh?"

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking of some things," Wuxian replied, "It's nothing really."

"When it comes to you, it is never nothing," Wangji told him, "if something is bothering you, please don't feel the need to keep it closed up. Come talk to me. We are married, and I am here for you."

Wuxian sighed and nodded, "I...am a bit...embarrassed to say."

"Whatever it is, I will never judge you, Wei Ying," Wangji said, "I never have, and it is forbidden to be judgmental."

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