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Wuxian and Wangji had their six disciples meet up at the training grounds for their next class session, "today, Hanguang Jun and I are actually going to test you on your hand to hand combat as well as using other weapons that are now your own spiritual weapon. When Hanguang Jun and I were younger and during the war with the Wen Sect, there was a time where our swords were taken and we had no weapons to defend ourselves. This class session will be a lesson on how to learn to fight without a weapon. Most of you should already know hand to hand combat though it isn't a common practice here in the Lan Sect from what I am told. Now I want to personally teach you some moves that have actually saved my life more than once. It even helped save someone else's life," Wuxian explained, "please hand over your weapons to Hanguang Jun and he will return them to you after today's lessons."

Once everyone hands over their sword, Wuxian begins to talk again, "before we learn hand to hand, let's start off with stances. Stances are structural postures that represent the foundation and the form of a fighter's base. Each style has different names and variations for each stance. Stances may be differentiated by foot position, weight distribution, and body alignment. Stance training can be practiced statically, the goal of which is to maintain the structure of the stance through a set time period, or dynamically, in which case a series of movements is performed repeatedly. For example, when you start learning your sect's sword drills, you learn stances and movements, each one is precise and specific. The same goes for martial arts or hand to hand combat..Lan Zhan, want to be my partner for this demonstration?"

"I will," Wangji said, "what are we teaching first? Master Wei?"

Wuxian blushed and cleared his throat before speaking, "the most common one and most simple is Ma Bu or horse-riding stance. In actual attack and defense, Ma Bu is sometimes viewed as a transitional stance, from which a practitioner may quickly switch to other stances. The stance typically begins with the feet apart slightly wider than shoulder-width. The feet are parallel, facing straight forward, and the knees are bent at 90 degrees making the thighs parallel to the ground," Wuxian demonstrates as he speaks, having the others follow his movements.

Wangji was also learning some things even though he is pretty good with hand to hand combat, he was always willing to learn. He feels like he is another disciple at the moment.

"The torso sinks down as if suspended by a plumb line and the sacrum is curved forward and the coccyx is tucked in and under, thus flattening the arch in the lower back. Equal weight is given to each foot, making for a very stable stance. Ma Bu is frequently used for endurance conditioning and to build up knee and hip strength for added stability," Wuxian finished explaining.

Wuxian watched as each disciple tried to perform the exercise. Wangji got it down and was now able to help others. If they needed correction they would do so, "As a form of endurance training, I would like you all to hold that position for five minutes," Wuxian said.

"Why must we learn endurance when it's something we already know?" Jingyi asked.

"Believe me, you will understand once you hold this position for five minutes," Wuxian said, "and since you want to be cocky, I will make it ten minutes."

The other five disciples glared at Jingyi as they endured ten minutes of the horse-riding stance. Once they finished the endurance training, Wuxian immediately began demonstrating the next stance, "the horse-riding stance is easy to switch to another stance. Once you could try is actually the Gong Bu, or bow stance. The lead foot is pointed straight ahead, with the lead leg bent at a 90 degree angle. The trailing foot is angled outward at a 45 degree angle, with the heel lined up with the heel of the leading foot. The trailing leg can be held slightly bent but is usually held straight."

Wuxian turned to Wangji and held his stance with a sly grin on his face. Wangji immediately knew he was getting ready to get attacked as a demonstration, "it is popularly used for attacking. The structure of the stance partially protects the groin and allows the martial artist to punch with greater power by driving the rear leg into the ground. Additionally, the rear leg can be quickly drawn forward for kicking attacks."

It was then that Wangji and Wuxian began a full on hand to hand fight demonstration. It was actually quite difficult to know who would actually win the spar between the two. Though it only took Wangji one little slip up for Wuxian to get his angle and take him down. Wangji was impressed as always.

Wuxian then turned to the disciples, "I want you to pair up, and it shouldn't matter what age or gender you are. Everyone is equal in this class. If you have an issue with that, I am more than happy to let you leave your position as a disciple so someone else can take the spot. There are still others who would gladly take a spot," Wuxian explained.

Sizhui ended up pairing with Biyu, Jingyi with Lan Chuanli, and Lan Baihu was with Lan Rong. Wangji and Wuxian would go from group to group correcting any errors or missteps they saw. The disciples were good with instructions and listened will. Wangji and Wuxian soon stood up front watching over everyone. Wuxian glanced over at Sizhui and saw him being pinned down by Biyu. He couldn't help but giggle quietly at the sight.

"What?" Wangji asked.

"Do you think Sizhui let her win?" Wuxian asked nodding his head towards him and Biyu.

Wangji glanced over at the two and saw Biyu helping Sizhui up, "possibly, or she just beat him due to her own skills," Wangji said.

"We should ask him later," Wuxian said.

"Later this evening we can," Wangji said.

"Okay," Wuxian said, "they are doing well for hand to hand combat."

"It is something that all cultivators should know," Wangji said, "it can be just as helpful as a weapon."

"That it can," Wuxian said, "and I meant it you know. I have used hand to hand combat just to save my life at one point. You witnessed some of that."

"I did," Wangji said, "that was after you lost your golden core."

"It was," Wuxian said, "even when I returned after thirteen years, it was still helpful."

"I am thankful," Wangji said, "you are a good fighter, Wei Ying."

"So are you," Wuxian says.

The class went on nicely for the rest of the day. Wuxian was happy with how well the disciples listened and how fast they picked up on it. He saw potential in his students.

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