Prologue I - Origin

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Before the world knew light...

The Goddesses Sora and Ania watched over an endless void. Eventually, they sought something precious to look after.

So they created The World.

However, they still felt an emptiness within them.  So they poured their power into a child they created.

They named Him Valorix.

Valorix roamed this world happily, but desired others to share it with.

He created eight children of His own, and taught them of the Heavens, and the Mother Gods.  The oldest seven children followed these teachings, but the eighth refused, and fled from his father.

Valorix's children grew, and eventually had children of their own, and soon, the World was populated, and everyone followed the teachings of Valorix.  But His time had come.  He bid farewell to His children, and His followers, and he ascended to the Heavens, leaving the World behind.

Many generations passed, and a man and a woman were named rulers of the World.  They man was named Aran, and the woman, Thia.

The people loved their rulers so much, they agreed to have the World named in their honor.


Ever since then, the Valorixist religion has ruled over the land, with the High Priest acting as ruler.

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