Part: 34 Eclipse

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Eclipse affirmations
All good things
My love life's bringing tranquility
Eclipse of the heart and now we can start
New beginnings to fulfill
Every action of my will
Into life into the sky
Won't let any opportunity
Pass me by
Into the night
That's into the day
And together we cross paths like
The eclipse today

4/10/2024 9:09 pm
If someone breaks up with me

If someone breaks up with me.
I'm on to better things
If someone breaks up with me I will not cry I will not sting
If someone breaks up with me I'll be upset then do my thing
Cause if someone breaks up with me
It means I'm onto better things
I hate to hear them cry
All my friends who gave their hearts
I like to keep mine shy and keep myself close and all of my parts
I'm used to being used
And having to take my power back
So if someone ever breaks up with me I have no need to attack
I pack my bags
I'll fly away
And go be successful another day
Someone in my life won't ever stop me
Learning lessons from tying shoes
Hearing my friends howl the blues
And through all this heartbreak I'm too scared to leave my room.
Is this all a defense is my armer too sharp
Will I ever learn anything
If I never let anyone
Pierce my heart. 
Or am I just too scared
Of once again
Falling apart.
And being at the hands of those who make me regress to the start
Of a crying child tucked in the corner of her room
Who trusted her parents
Who gave her heart too soon

(Fuck this asshole) anyways
4/11/2024 11:20pm

I hate the way I still like you
I hate the way I say I'm fine when you push my emotions aside
Say on a scale I'm a 7.5
I hate the way you said you'd be mine
You got me breakfast as to not remind
Me how you put me on a scale rated 7.5
Am I cheating myself out of someone better if I'm with you? Am I denying myself someone better each time I'm beneath you
I can find someone else who can do what you do. I mean I have me and I'm a 10 after what I've been through
and to think I should be with someone who won't remind me of when I was crushed by someone and molded
the perfect Russian nesting doll shouting with no lungs.  Why should I stay with someone who I'm not even exclusive with if every rung
on the ladder is unstable the workers dive
And down to the ground my skinned knees bleed out
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