Part: 25 Present trends

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2/5/2024 3:45pm
Lite present moments

Everyone is growing up
Everyone is marching on
I want to be here
In the present of life
Pretend I'm a simple fairy so delicate and lite
And sip on tree sap and eat fresh pollen
From flowers in rainstorms and
Wide grassy valleys
To flutter around and smell like fresh roses
To sleep in the sunlight without a care in the word
To breathe in the morning dew
To breathe out the messy news
Everything's peaceful
Every night
Green sweaters
Butterfly clips
Golden hair
And gemstone bracelets on wrists
A simple life
A simple breath
Sometimes the present moment
Can grant you just that.

It's days like these
Where I wear extra makeup and get treated exponentially better that I cry that night when I take it all off
For I've witnessed all of societies flaws
It's when I wear it to feel like a princess or a worrier and someone thinks it's their right to take advantage.
It's when the comments on sorority posts are men thirsting and ranking the new members on their looks that I feel acid boil in my throat
It's when my friend is embarrassed to go outside because she'll be judged like a book.
Perfect in every way yet hides away inside to stay. It's easier to think the outside will go away with its misogyny and hate
Antisemitism and rape
And yet we hear the sirens sounds
The yells of bullies
Torture bound
Some people expelled
For religious belief
Some people are treated like they've got no reason to eat
So they wither away with each comment each day
this world is quite something
But we're not unique
Sometimes seeing only the positives can make a person weak
I'm drained
I'm tired
From plastering a smile
Through the mob mental internet
Through fuckboy sheeple cattle
And delete again
Social medias torture trends
But even real life has its ends
So I sit here and ponder at 3:30 am on the dot
Will something ever change
Will we find peace
Or forever not
Finding things to fight about until our calluses rot
Throats go sore
And our bones turn to dust
Our souls are precious
So why waste them on hateful stuff
I'll never understand this world
But I'll always have my friends
Angels amongst people
Goddesses amongst common men
Reminding me that in a world of hatred, cruelty, and war
I have friends who shine like stars
Whom I will always be there for.

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