House ,memory,kids us

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When they reached Advik was already sleeping in arms of rohit who took him to their bedroom and made him lay on bed virat who went inside the house and started looking here and their this house gave him so much memoirs after all .

Although he hurted rohit and others he just don't want to loose them that's why he distant himself from them and now he is again here standing in Rohit's house which is his house too .

He went upstairs to their room advait was still awake and was looking at the whole house he was amezed by the luxurious house .

Virat then took him to shower and give him bath rohit was also beside Advik working on his laptop after advait virat also took bath .

And when he came out of washroom he saw advait in Rohit's arms who was taping his back and walking around the room Advait was already asleep but rohit was holding him so tightly.

Rohit saw virat and then he layed advait on bed and took his clothes and changed and came inside the room where he saw virat was arranging their clothes in closet.

Virat saw him and asked,

Virat :- Advik and Advait are going to sleep with us or they have their seperate room .

Rohit:- i don't know actually i thought what you will decide would be final there are so many room and if you want we can make their bedroom too the room beside our room is perfect for that and also that room is quite big for kids to play .

Virat :- okey i think they should have their room too and if they want they can sleep with us too and also we just have to make some arrangements in their bedroom because we have to make this house baby proof.

He said very calmly and his back was facing rohit ,rohit went near him and took their clothes and started to fold them and then after dolfin he handed that clothes to virat who arrange them in closet,

Virat's thoughts

Your caring behaviour is still here rohit back then whenever I stay at your house and out of my habit i always stay at your bedroom and sleep with you and whenever I arranged my clothes you always helped and now also you are doing that ,
Maybe somethings still didn't change between us maybe we can be like before I have zero point one percent chance to make us like before but I will try my best ,

It was never my motive to leave you ,you were my bestfriend and also my irritating baby i sometimes miss our old time ,

When I was in south Africa I used to tell about about our naughty pranks and how we used to irritate eachother and how we care for eachother,
I know you never like to show that you care for me but you always do i always speak about that but you show it by your actions rohit,
And trust me I missed you so much in this four years I missed you your talk and how you hug me and how we sleep with eachother cuddling you know I had very hard problem without you I had habit of hugging while sleeping putting my head on your chest was my favourite this and still is I miss our late night talks and your terrible Hindi ,
You have changed alot like you don't curse that much now and infront of kids no you didn't did that not even once even when you don't know the area you kids you didn't curse infront of them which is not like you ,you were someone who curse on each sentence and now you don't do
I am not complaining after all I am the reason our bond changed now you are not that comfortable with me i guess,but it's okey i will try my best to make us like before atleast maybe a bit you will like me and forgive me .

Virat's thoughts ended

Rohit who were calling virat looked at him who were not listening to him he was lost in his thoughts rohit got up from bed and went towards him a d shake him ,

Rohit:- Virat you okey, what happened

Virat who came out of his thoughts looked at him and then answered,

Virat :- ya I am okey just I was thinking something

Rohit:- I was calling you from last 5 minutes

Virat :- sorry

Rohit:- it's okey by the way what is baby proofing

Virat chuckled at his cuteness because he asked so cutely and his expression were a bit comfused,

Virat :- well we baby proof house so that they don't get hurt by anything like sharp objects or anything which and harm then ,

Rohit:- okey i guess

After arranging clothes rohit went to couch and started to work on his laptop and Virat was staring at him ,

Rohit who noticed it looked at him Virat looked away from him and then after rohit focused on his laptop virat again looked at him this happened like 3 times then rohit got up and went to virat ,

Rohit stand infornt of him and asked,

Rohit:- what happened why are you staring at me

Virat :- I was not starting at you

He said looking everywhere but not in eyes of Rohit,

Who grab his hand and made him got up from bed and because of that Virat stumbled a little and for balancing himself he put his hand on rohit's shoulder who grab him by his waist ,

And they stare at eachother for sometime rohit took his hand under virat's t shirt and started to crase his waist who bite his lips so that he won't make any nosie kids were sleeping just a little away from them he can't take risk but he again stumbled and his grip on rohit's shoulder get tighten.

Rohit who was enjoying this hold him tightly and slightly bite on his neck virat opened his eyes because of Rohit's this sudden action and again close it due to pleasure he was feeling,

Then Virat said ,

Virat :- what are you doing

Rohit smirked and looked at his husband and said ,

Rohit:- you know very welly what I am doing

Virat :- don't do this we will wake them

Rohit:- what I am doing baby

This nickname took all the guts virat had and he leaned on rohit's shoulder rohit kissed his forehead and said ,

Rohit:- sleep Virat you need that,

Virat nod his head and went on bed beside Advik and Advait and fall asleep,

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

And guys I have a ided of a story of hardik and Rahul so tell me if I should write on it or not .

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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