
Hoseok said goodbye to Yoongi and was about to sprawl on bed when his Mother barged inside room. Even before he could ask her what has happen he was slapped by her harshly

"Ommaa?" He asked trembling as tears spilled out from his eyes.

Hoseok cried loudly when his mother again hit him . 

She slapped his cheeks thrice before hitting him with book on his back. Hoseok keep crying telling her to stop but she didn't listen she kept hitting him until her anger melted. She threw away the book and grabbed Hoseok's hair as she pulled his face closer to her

"Keep your slutty legs close you bitch and if I ever saw you near that fuckin bastard Yoongi again I will slaughter you alive , Did you get it??" Mrs Jeon yelled and Hoseok nodded crying.

Mrs Jeon let go of him after landing harsh slap on him

"You won't be getting any food today you slut "Mrs Jeon said as she left his room slamming the door. 

The moment Hoseok heard door slamming shut he started crying loudly . All words said by his Omma were piercing his heart . 

"What did I do to deserve this Yoonie is not bad Omma why you have to say bad things about Yoonie?"Hoseok asked to no one as he cried holding his legs.

Jungkook smirked when he saw absence of the boy during dinner time

"Where is Hoseok??" Mr Jeon asked 

"Your son is turning into fuckin slut he is fuckin that idiot boy . You alwa-"

"Shut your mouth Mrs Jeon and don't you dare use such word against my boy. Yoongi is nice boy and his friend I have met him and he is very decent boy and cares about our son. And Hoseok will never do anything in life that will brought shame to name Of Jeons" Mr Jeon said 

"One day I swear this boy will prove you wrong Mr Jeon" Mrs Jeon said .

Mr Jeon ignored her and filled plate with food before walking to Hoseok's room.

"Seokie bby open the door please look appa bought you food" He said .

Hoseok instantly opened door when he hear his Appa's voice and hug him crying loudly . 

"Shhh shh bby it's okay " His father said as he patted his back .

"Appa ~~yoonie ~~is seokie's friend~nothing~~more~'appa ~~I ~'"

"shhh my child I know how my little baby is don't cry " Mr Jeon said and it took him about 20 minutes to calm down his child. Mr Jeon was boiling when he look at red swollen face of Hoseok which was printed with Mrs Jeon's handprint.

"This fuckin women" Mr Jeon curse internally before feeding his child food. 

He put Hoseok to sleep who slept clutching his Appa's hand in his . 


Next few days passed were agonizing slow and painful for Yoongi. 

He knew something was wrong when Hoseok asked him to not wait for him and later appear in college with red cheeks.

He knew something was wrong when Hoseok won't talk with him as much or would run away whenever they were alone. 

Hoseok still used to bring lunch for him but it didn't made Yoongi happy not at all cause the joy in sharing food was snatched away when one separate lunch box was handed to him by his sunshine. 

He wouldn't even want to walk with him back home. 

Yoongi felt like everything in his life was slipping away from him. Yoongi thought enough was enough and today he would really approach Hoseok for answers.

RegretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora