09// Self-Control

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(Melanie's POV)

We keep whispering and giggling on our way to the ravenclaw's common room. We arrive, everything's dark, the only thing lighting our way is another slytherin's wand.

A ravenclaw was waiting for our arrival , then proceeded to whisper the password and oh my god . This has to be the best party we've ever gone to. There's leds, flashing lights, smoke bombs, techno musics blasted into our ears. We hurry to get inside to not risk getting caught. As I enter, I see ravenclaws doing EVERY POSSIBLE THING I could imagine.

I didn't think they were so wild to be honest, but this is exactly what I was wishing for.
Lilith and Pansy grab my hand and as we walk to the tables I see a lot of heads turning to look at us. We sit with a group of slytherins and ravenclaws, barely any of them is still sober.

Pansy leaves for a minute and comes back with excitement in her eyes. "Now you're going to try something I bet they didn't have outside of Hogwarts." she smirks , and takes out three pills. Oh god yes.
I immediately pick one and put it in my mouth, and Lilith and Pansy do so aswell.

In basically an instant, I'm laying on the sofa barely capable of opening my eyes, and all I see is the best hallucinations I've ever had, feeling like a goddess. 
My vision is shaky, and I try to focus on Lilith speaking but I just can't. She grabs my hand and we both almost fall to the ground trying to walk, but Pansy helps us out laughing.

I've NEVER been this high, it feels like heaven.
We start dancing in the middle of the room, or at least we try our best. An hour goes by and I keep on drinking the weirdest potions ever, getting the craziest effects. I can barely recognize Lilith or even myself, I definitely needed this.  Throughout the hallucinations though, I can clearly see Draco's attention completely pointed on me. He's doing nothing but staring at me from the sofa...
Hah, I bet that's not even really him, I'm just imagining him.

Suddenly a pair of hands are on my hips, following my movements. I look up and through all the mess I see a boy, he's a Slytherin. He gives me a smile and says something I can't catch.

"C'mon let's go over there Lilith" Pansy grabs Lilith and leaves to the dorms where other people was partying, and leaves me alone with the guy.

"I said how are you!!" He laughs as he repeats himself, this time more neatly.

"Grreattt! How.. are you??" I try to respond as normal as possible, but this is the best I can get out of my mouth.
"Let's go seat over there I've got something to smoke you will like" I follow him to a corner of the room and he hands me the best ""cigarette"" i've ever smoked.
Now I'm completely collapsing on the floor in complete chill, but before I could fall down he pulls me towards him to lay on his shoulder.

I can feel the warmth of his body, it makes me feel calm.
"You danced really well to be this high" He comments and we both let out a laugh. I try to get up look at him.
"What a fool, I didn't even introduce myself, my name is Theodore Nott and you're Melanie,right?"   I nod and we shake hands.
His smile looks so kind, I wonder how he got sorted in slytherin.
"Paansyyy t-told me abouttt you!!!" At this point, I can't control a word I say.

"Oh really, and what did she say??" he tilts his head curious, still smiling.

"That.. I'm y-your... tyype" I speak through the laughs, and a smirk appears on his face.
"Well she's right" he gets closer to me, and he lays a hand on my thigh, giving me chills.

"Y-you're nott.. bad either..." I continue as I look into his big green eyes.
"Is that so? Why don't you tell me what you like about me somewhere we can be alone?" He grabs my hand, and I nod. But as soon as we get up I bump into someone's chest. It's cold, and I immediately recognize the cologne. It's Draco. Before I could fall to the ground he gives me his arm to support me and I grab it with my hands.
He gives me one scary glare I've never seen before. His ice eyes piercing inside of mine. He calls Pansy and she arrives looking at me in confusion. Trust me Pansy, I'm more confused than you are.

He softly lands me to her, and seconds after Lilith helps her hold me.
"What's going on now?!" she asks me, but I barely have an idea, all I'm wishing for is that everything goes fine.

I can't hear what they're saying, but I could recognize Draco's growling tone from miles away. Now I'm starting to worry.
He leans closer to Theodore closing his hands into punches.
Theodore replies to Draco and I can't catch a word they're saying.

Moments after, Draco's punch hits Theodore straight in the face with a inhumanly strength, and everyone around gasp as Theodore's body gets thrown to the ground.

I try to walk towards them but my legs shake roughly and Pansy and Lilith hold me back.
Draco is now on top of Nott like an animal, with rage emanating from his body.

"She's d-disgusted by you..Malfoy" This time I catch Theodore's words. He barely manages to speak and his blood is running out his nose and mouth.
"Shut the fuck up" I've never heard Malfoy's voice so deep.
Theodore continues to laugh while spitting blood on the floor, and at this point, Draco turns completely wild.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NOTT" he screams on the top of his lungs and proceeds to literally risk his place in Hogwarts.

He starts punching Theodore in the face non-stop, like a machine, and Theodore's face completely messes up.
Nobody dares to do nothing but stare in shock.
The first few punches Draco's face is literally furious, but after a while he's just staring at Theodore with his eyes wide open, not expressing any emotion and keeping on hitting him harder and harder. Now I know he's not gonna stop.

I manage to free myself from Lilith and Pansy and throw myself on the ground.
"MALFOY PLEASE STOP YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!" I scream with all my strength , and this time my words are clear.

He doesn't even look at me and just continues punching Theodore, who's now completely drowning in his own blood.

"MALFOY I'M FUCKING BEGGING YOU STOP!!!" I burst into tears trying to get his attention, but nothing. He doesn't stop.

"DRACO" I scream as loud as I can and impulsively grab his shoulder.
Finally. He stops punching Theodore and stares straight into my eyes, breathing heavily and sweating. We both paralyze into the stare. I can't breath and my heart accelerates so incredibly fast I might as well die of a heart attack right now. Suddenly not a soul is saying a word. I manage to get out of this heavy eye contact and look at Theodore, with Draco's hand still on his neck, his knuckles broken and with both his and Theodore's blood. I give a quick look at Theodore and I wish I never did.
I can't even describe his conditions. I keep on sobbing as I close my eyes after the mess I just saw. After all of this, Theodore is still conscious,thank god. Malfoy's eyes are still blocked in me. He didn't move a muscle.

"You're a monster Malfoy." I calm down and pronounce my words staring deep into his soul.
He stops breathing and finally he starts expressing something. He looks confused, then mad once again.
He leans his shaking and bloody hand close to me and I flinch out of fear. He gulps and takes it back and starts to laugh hysterically.
"You're so fucking dumb." his voice is broken, but still deep and full of hate and rage.
He gets up and I throw myself on Theodore trying to help him.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?!!" he shouts, and immediately everyone go back to what they were doing, but now with fear in the air.

"I'm so sorry Nott I really am" I sob next to him. It's my fault. I shouldn't have talked to him, I shouldn't talk to anyone. All because of Malfoy, and there's not even a reason, he just seems to want to make my life miserable. Theodore looks at me and with his entire body shivering, he sits up.
"We're not done Malfoy." With his last strengths he loudly spits his words, and Malfoy doesn't even bother to turn around and leaves the party to go back to our common room. Everyone rushes to help Theodore with every possible spell, and I get up trying to follow Draco, but within seconds I'm on the ground, unconscious.

The Black's mistake / enemies to lovers/ Draco Malfoy and John ZabiniHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin