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(Melanie's POV)
4:00 p.m

The day's passing by very slowly. A lot more than I expected has happened , and unluckily not everything that happened is what I wanted.
We're chilling in bed with Pansy, who's talking about different topics, but I just can't get the humiliation Draco has putted me into out of my head. Apart from being disappointed on his real self, I'm disappointed in me, I just arrived and I already took 10 house points from Slytherins for all my troubles. Draco may have turned into a delusion, but I'm not willing to ruin my reputation for ANYONE.

Whatever, let's focus on Pansy now..
"..And that's how me and Blaise started dating." she concludes.
I don't even want to know how Lilith and Pansy got in this conversation.. but I'm opting for something more useful.

"Hey Pansy, talking about fun.. is there anything students organized already? I love having parties, and that would be great to get to know more people in Hogwarts."
In reality, I just needed to elevate my social status ,and definitely not be targeted as the newbie who's already making a mess.

"Oh my god, finally you asked. I was scared you were one of those saint girls, even tho it's impossible since you're slytherins. Of course we do. Just this Saturday we will be raving in the ravenclaw common room, every party they host is the best, apart from ours, of course. I'll just call you when it's time to get ready and we'll go together."

"We'll definitely be there"
Lilith nods to my words.
"I need to go to Charms class now, see you later!" as she leaves the room, I see a shadow next to her and then a big bump. I rush myself to see what happens but Lilith stops me and instead tried to overhear what's going on.

"So are you by our side or their side?! I told you not to talk to them."
"You're exaggerating the situation, Draco. If you enjoy tormenting new people ok, do as you please, but I already told you I've got nothing to do with this!"

I can feel my blood boiling. Now he's trying to isolate us!?

"Make your choice Parkinson."
I can feel steps directing towards the exit and steps directing towards a dorm. Draco's dorm. This time I'm not letting it pass.
"Stay here" I briefly order to Lilith as she looks me furious. I know I was wrong but this can't go on.
I make a fast movement and manage to enter before the door closes.
I stare at him while he slowly turns to look at me.
He didn't say a word, but those eyes are more than intimidating. I notice the huge mark I left on his cheek. I can't lie, I'm scared, but apart from being scared I'm mad, really fucking mad.
"Ok Malfoy, this fucking can't go on" as I speak he once again rushes towards me, but this time holding his wand in his hand, holding it so tight the veins on his arm start showing.
Before I could say anything else he whispers something and a moment after ,I'm on the ground, on my knees and I can't move a muscle, with my legs hurting badly.
He crouches down and grabs my hair pulling them making my head turn towards his. His eyes are staring into mine with pure hatred.
I can't hold back tears because of the pain.
"Who the fuck told you you could get inside my dorm mh?" he whispers with a growling tone.

"L-Let..g-go.." I hardly manage to say any word.
Why. Why is he being so mean to me. I knew it would've made him mad but I'd never expect him to go so far.
"Look at you've done to me you freak..Yet you still have the courage to come in here? I admit you're really brave. You and your other twinny slug had one other chance, but you just burned it. Too bad isn't it?" His voice doesn't express one bit of empathy. He's cold as ice.

He finally let's go of my hair.
"libera corpus" as he pronounces those words I finally get up.
"What did we even do to you Malfoy, why are you so fucking rough?!!" I try not to sob through my words. I didn't even notice Lilith entering the room.

An intimidating silence drops.

"Disappear." Once again, his voice is dark and emotionless.
Lilith grabs my hand and conduces me outside, where I burst out crying.
She hugs me before I could do anything.
"Mel, don't waste any other tears on that animal. I promise you we will get revenge,but not now, now we're not in the conditions to do so. It's clear we can't reason with them, so we'll have to think it through, but I need you to be strong"
I rub my eyes. I feel pure rage inside of me. Ok he's a dick, I already knew that, but this seems so fucking personal, why.

"Let's just go and have dinner, Lilith."

I promised myself to focus on important things, but now all that matters to me is one thing, revenge.

The Black's mistake / enemies to lovers/ Draco Malfoy and John ZabiniTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang