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(Lilith's POV)
We sit close to each other and hold our letters .
We stay silent for some seconds trying to guess what's written inside.

Finally we count to 3 and open them.
I start.

"To Lilith,
If you're reading this, somehow you finally came back. I have so many questions for you two, but I'm sure you have even more. I made two letters just in case one of you didn't make it, but I'm sure if you did it, you're twin did aswell. I'll never forget how inseparable you girls were as kids.
Sadly, I don't think we'll ever be capable of communicating ever again, so this is all you need to know:
You already know a ton of spells, you just can't remember, but when the moment will arrive you will know how to use them. Don't ever loose those plushies, mom and dad gave it to you at your births, they're important.Lastly if anyone asks you about your past, you're letters of invitation to Hogwarts arrived in time just like everyone else, but there has been problems during the travel. Because of that you've been informed by Albus Dumbledore that you're date of entrance would've been moved to an unknown date that revealed to be years later.
This is all I can tell you, forgive me, and don't tell anyone about this letter.

                                  With love, your uncle Sirius"

A strong silence fills the room as I finish speaking, and I gradually start shaking more and more holding the letter in my hands.
I'm in disbelief.
I never thought our last name would actually be connected to him.

Sirius Black is our uncle.

I can't find anything to say.

"They're equal."
Melanie's  voice is shaking just as her breathing.
"If he's our uncle, who are our parents?!" I stutter.
"I.. just"
Someone knocks on the door and we hide the letters under the bed as fast as we can.
It's Ron Weasley. What is he doing here?

Once again, we control our emotions and pretend calmness in front of him.
"Who are you?"
It takes a moment for him to answer as he looks at us with a weird look on his face.
"Oh um sorry yeah, I'm Ron Weasley. I've been assigned to tour you around Hogwarts."
Ugh, I thought it was going to be a Slytherin, why a gryffindor? And out of all the gryffindors, him?!!
I snort and get up and Melanie tags along.
"Make it short" I roll my eyes at him and he gulps leaving the room.
30 minutes of touring goes by and he stared at us with a weird atmosphere all the time,testing my temper.
"Do you have a problem?" I say in a provoking tone.
"N-No sorry" he stutters making me even more pissed.
"Listen you and the other freak have been staring at us since the moment we've arrived, the next time I feel your filthy eyes on us I'm gonna make you loose the will to continue"
I attack him and he just won't do nothing but apologize.
I knew he was clumsy and weird, but why is he letting us insult him so easily?
"This is Professor Slughorn's class" he continues touring but instead of proceeding I stop and listen to the lesson. For some reason my attention can't move from it.

"Now, can anybody tell me how to do the perfect Amortentia potion?" I notice Zabini answering, but I can't help but interrupt him from a weird feeling I've got.
"2 ounces of cranberry juice, 1 ounce of soda, 1/2 ounce of grenadine, ice and 4 teaspoons of pearl dust"  Everyone's eyes is on me, but especially John Zabini's ones, who are burning inside of me.
Oh god I'm so stupid, what did I even say?!
"Correct." The professor confirms looking at me confused.
What. Now I'm confused too and Melanie is looking around trying to get out of this situation.  Fuck.
"We're well taught at home, that's all" she says with a proud tone.
"C'mon continue Weasley" She orders and we leave as everyone keeps staring at us.

Ron doesn't dare to say a thing and his steps are now longer and heavier, while Melanie looks at me with a serious face "This is what he was talking about" she whispers making sure Ron doesn't notice.
"I guess.. what should we do tho? Pretend we don't know them or just say we already got taught?"
"Well... I'm sure we don't know that much or else we wouldn't be in here.. but still, keep a low profile and don't expose your skills too much cause I'm not sure this would bring us any good" she replies.

The Black's mistake / enemies to lovers/ Draco Malfoy and John Zabiniजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें