07//Resistence or Strenght?

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(Lilith's POV)
6:00 am

Finally. I couldn't wait to hear this alarm ring to prove myself I wasn't dreaming all this time.
I let out a big yawn and get up without hesitation. I'm really tired from all that has happened yesterday, but the excitement to finally start my studies wins over. Before directing myself to the bathroom I throw an eye on Melanie. She's still sleeping, apparently. But I know that girl too well. I can't get over how Draco ruined such an important day for her.
"I know you're awake."
She lets out a sigh and sits down, looking at me with tired eyes and messy hair.
"I really hope he's going to leave me alone today, I'm really not feeling it." Her voice sounds weak.

I take a quick shower and throw on my uniform. I play around with some hairstyles, I want to make a good impression today. I also notice a small bag next to the bathroom sink containing simple make up and body products such as perfumes and deodorant. Hogwarts really doesn't miss on any comfort.
I don't want to appear too much so I just apply some black eye-pencil under my eyes and spray some perfume.
This smells exactly like the perfume I've used in my normal life. Must be a coincidence.

This small changes made my appearance definitely better. I can't wait to start classes!

I check up on Melanie and find her staring at herself in the mirror with a cold expression.
"C'mon go freshen up, I'll wait for you in the common room." She definitely needs some time alone.

I leave the dorm and take a seat on the sofa, barely even checking my surroundings, I close my eyes and relax my muscles to prepare myself for the incoming day.

A whistle rings in my head for a second. I open my eyes and no fucking way. There he is, John Zabini, sitting with his legs spread wide open.

"Good morning freak, had a good first night?" a smirk appears in his lips almost making me vomit.
"I don't have any time today for your games Zabini. I've got better things to do."
An irritating laugh echoes in the room.

"Awww, I almost didn't notice this style change!" He harshly cups my chin and uses a sweet tone that makes me want to punch his face so hard.
"Who are you trying to press huh? Professor Snape??" A smirk is stamped on his face.
"Did you not hear me, Zabini? This is useless your only ridiculing yourself." I keep a steady voice making sure he doesn't notice how pissed I am.

He gets closer to me, still not letting go of my chin and reinforcing the grab. He stares into my eyes for seconds that feels like hours. I'm starting to sweat but I keep my look calm. He keeps challenging my capability of holding this tensioning eye contact. I didn't even notice I'm holding my breath.

"Let. Go." I repeat myself, not breaking eye contact. He stays silent and I slowly start to feel smaller and smaller. I'm not letting go. He can't win it.

"Let's see what's stronger, your resistance or my strength?" He suddenly tightens his grip , making me uncontrollably groan out of pain.
Still, his eyes are eating my courage away. No. I'm not giving up.
He gives me one last squeeze smiling devilishly, and let's go of me pushing my head to the side. I finally start breathing again and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.
He lets out a sigh still smirking and gets up from the sofa. He gives me one last look.
"Blaise we're gonna be late!" He shouts and seconds after his brother reaches him and they leave the room.

I still feel a weird feeling inside, in my stomach. Clearly anxiety, I've always hated long eye contacts with whoever apart from my twin.
I get up and turn around, seeing Melanie walk down the stairs. Finally we can have breakfast.

7:15 am

I have to admit it, Pansy has a great taste in food. We tried so many new things. Melanie finally seems to feel better, and Draco and John are minding their own business for once.

I stretch, stand up and go directly to Severus Snape's class. I turn the corner and I bump into Harry Potter, who this time was alone, strangely.
"Watch where your going" I give him a disgusted look and he doesn't dare to say a word, staring at the ground, acting agitated.
What is actually wrong with him and his friends? Since yesterday they've been acting almost scared of me and Melanie.

"Sorry." He mumbles.
Ugh whatever. I surpass him to reach my destination, but instantly his hand is pushing me back.
Surprisingly he manages to hold eye contact with me. His eyes show me desperation. I almost feel sorry for him, so I just give him a confused and concerned look waiting for explanation.
His breathing starts to accelerate.
"Do you seriously not remember?" His voice breaks almost as he's about to start sobbing.
Remember? I literally just arrived, what should I remember?
"Um..?" His behavior switches right after my answers. He let's go of me and sighs.
He apologizes as he walks away, clearly holding back something.

I knew Hogwarts had a lot of weird things going on but I didn't expect THAT much stuff in just two days.
I reach potions class and distract myself from what happened a few minutes ago, and soon Melanie joins me.

The Black's mistake / enemies to lovers/ Draco Malfoy and John ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now