꧁ ✻ chapter 19 ✻ ꧂

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finally. After days, weeks, months and years of trying to get him back, research information about him, after all the hard work I have done... He is finally mine. You may ask how? well, I noticed he seemed a hit angry last week and didnt talk to that Y/N much anymore (since they usually did the opposite). So I decided id text him and see if he could call for a bit to have a conversation. And luckily he did. So I first tried to act normal ask NOT suspicious questions and gradually started to lead it about Y/N and him. I knew he liked Y/N very much, so ofcourse I made up rumors about her. How else could I get my lovely Jay back? He at first got mad thinking I was trying to get back with him when I clearly did but have him a suggestion about Y/N... I suggested that we could-

"MINA! FOR THE LAST GOD DAMN TIME, COME DOWN STAIRS FOR DINNER NOW!" My mother started to count to 3 and I rushed down the stairs before I could get some beatings. My precious face and body dont need those ugly scars on it.

Well, beauty is pain lady's.


"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked in the car driving us to school. I was spacing out looking out the window and then turning my face towards him. "huh what? nothing why?" He seemed worried but also smiled trough his worried face. "Nothing. Your alright?" "Yeah! ofcourse" I chuckled trying to make a smile appear on my face.

We arrived and while walking trough the school entrance, I noticed A LOT of people were staring. Why am I getting a deja vu? Like it happend before?

Everyone turned the other way around behind me and they were gasping and whispering. I slowly turning around, as the presence of these 2 people make my heart drop all the way to the ground. Jay and... Mina? W-what are they doing together? Her arm was wrapped around his while his hands were just in his pockets and Mina was just smiling and waving like she was some sort of celebrity.

I ignored the fact that tears were about to fall down but dash trough the crowd to my locked quickly getting my supplies for the first period and go my way to the classroom.

What a great morning to start your day with.

I get out of the car and walk to the side where Mina sits. Yes. We went together. Well. Supriseee! Were officially dating! wooooh! I didnt want it. But its for my own good. Ill forget about Y/N, not many problems and I can focus back at school. I open her door and she immediately comes to me with a big smile and gets into my arms as soon as she could.  I sigh as I close the door and walk trough the entrance getting ready to be greeted by a crowd of people staring, gasping, giggling, whispering and whatever they all do. Everyone starts to turn there heads and gasp, not believing there eyes seeing the 2 most famous couple, -atleast we were-, get back together. It just feels like the old times, when everybody would admire us and stuff.

I try to act cool seeing Mina wave and smile hearing everybody's sudden compliments. "Hey jay, could you walk me to my classroom?" She asks "cutely" blinking her eyes a few times. I sigh lightly and just nod trying to smile.

Untill I see her. Y/N, staring at us with wide eyes. I could imagine her reaction. It looked like everything turned upside down for her, I could see it in her eyes... She probably didn't even like me, so why would she feel like that? But still, I feel sorry. But she will need to get over it anyways. I pass her bye without giving a look at her and see her storming off.

To bad were im the same class.

As were at the door of mina's classroom, I wave her a goodbye and want to leave as soon as possible untill she pulls me back and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "bye oppa, see you at lunch?" She gives me a wink while walking to her seat and smiles at her friends giggeling at her. Okay. That was. Different. I haven't been kissed in a long time. Damn

I arrived at my classroom 2 seconds before the bell rang and go to my seat. "Quiet please!" The teacher managed to get the class quiet. "I have a few announcements to make." Everyone starts to listen carefully. "First, you have a project for anatomy you need to make in pairs, again." Everyone starts groaning and complaining when she interrupts it bye clearing her throat loudly "and about the prom, its in a few weeks so I hope the ones who are going have a outfit for it. It would be also great if u could bring a partner with you because were doing a challenge that night. It isnt required so dont worry." She smiles and sighs of excitement? "And lastly, for a summer activity this school year..." She lets everyone wait before spilling it "We are going to a 1 week trip in the jeju island!" Everyone starts cheering as some of them rather wouldn't want to go. "school pays so everyone is going! thats all. Ill make the pairs for the project for anatomy and then well starts the lesson" She doesn't tell the whole class but instead writes it up and straight on moves to the lesson.

At the end of the class we needed to come over one by one to hear about our groups. And im going with...........

"Y/N? what? why her again!" I take a deep breath hearing her name. Why her. And literally in this situation? you have got to be kidding me. "Jay. No complains." She gestures me to leave and when I turn around to walk away I bump into someone instead. Y/N. I ran away before someone could say anything ignoring the fact that my heart had just skipped a beat.


Well, prom is in a few days and I guess I don't have a partner anymore... But great thing is I still have Jungwon and Yeonjun! Atleast if they want to come with me.

I went by the teacher to know with who I should be making the project with as someone bumped into me. Its was jay. Before I could say anything he ran away. Weird. I moved in the row seeing it was my turn. As she tell me my pair, I couldn't believe what I just heard. Jay? What? I tried to explain why it wouldn't work out but interrupted me. "but ms.-" "no." She moved her finger on my mouth trying to shush me up. "for now, call me shushua darling. I know what has been going on between you two. Im going to fix what has been broken so dont worry babe." She smiles and pulles me aroud the table and gives me a hug. I needed that one. From now on. She is my favourite teacher. Love her. "I heard everything. I know its not true. But im here to help you out. So try to fix it between you two because im missing the jay and Y/N moments" She smiles. I thank her and stuff and then leave.

As I was about to turn right to go to my locker I bumped into someone. Again. I really need to fix this problem dont I. I look up seeing the one and only Mina. She stood there leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. Oh god what now? "Dont think anything us going to turn back like the old times" "What are you talking about?" "You and Jay. Its not going to work out. Thats why he came back to me." "what do you mean? there was nothing going on anyways" I try to walk pass her cuz she is just wasting my time but she pulls me back. "If you dont stay away, ill make it worse than it is for you. So keep yourself safe and listen to me" She smiles "innocently". What is this girl doing now threatening me? "and what if I dont hm?" I cross my arms raising my eyebrows. "You will see" She shrugs her shoulders "Well, whatever you do, Ill do the same so go on. Do whatever you want" I was about to walk away when she gets closer while laughing. "Oh dear. The only thing that is going to happen is going to do with you. Not me.

"Because... if you tell.. No one would believe you"
"Remember, im sweet, perfect principles daughter and you're just random trash" She smiles and rolls her eyes walking away casually.

That girl. im going to kill her.

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