꧁ ✻ chapter 18 ✻ ꧂

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Few weeks later~


"What's wrong?" Jungwon questioned. "Nothing." I moved my food around with my fork taking small bites. Everyone looked at me. Its not even that noticeable... or is it? "You have been angry for weeks. There is something going on" He worrie. "Whatever" I sighed suddenly getting up from the table,  putting the leftover food back in the pan and the plates in the dishwasher leaving to my room.

Fine. There is something wrong. Im mad. Someone can be mad? Its not like I need to be always happy.

I check my phone to see the message I got.

From: Mina
What are you doing? :)

I exhale deeply. She stopped a while ago. But now started texting me again. Thats what all exes do right? I dont have anything to do so just texted her back for just this time.

To: Mina
Nothing, you?

She immediately messaged back at the second

From: Mina
Wanna call for a bit? Im bored

Okay... where is this leading me to? Welp, lets hope at least not something bad.

I tell the others that im going outside for a bit for some fresh air and take the stairs to our rooftop. It has a amazing view here. I used the sit down here admiring the sky and my view when I felt down.

I walked out of the entrance of the rooftop and leaned down somewhere on the edge waiting for her to call me. I messaged that she could call me now and she did instanly. "Hello?" I said to check if she could hear me. She cleared her throat and began talking with a quite different voice. Rather a (not) "cute" one.

We started talking about random stuff she asked about and I just answered them shortly trying to keep the conversation short as possible.

"so... who is that girl?"

"Who? Y/N?"

"Oh, I guess her name is Y/N, well yeah her"

"what about her?" I said curiously this time. Why would she suddenly ask about her?

"Whats ur relation with her?"

"My relation with her... Well, I guess we talk sometimes. She is Jungwons best friend so there is not much going on or whatever u think."

I lied.

We dont talk sometimes, even tho Jungwon came back, I text her everyday. She isn't just "Jungwons bestfriend" and she isn't also "just a friend". No. To me, she was more than that. And if there wasn't something going in? Oh there was. There was.

But I guess that all changed.

Those guys hitting up on her, flirting, it irritated me. But I couldn't do anything about it. Cuz who am I to be angry at them for liking her? I just hided it, acting like I didn't mind. Its not their fault that she is indeed pretty.

So I stopped.

Stopped checking up, picking her up, trying go have talks, teasing, her being more than a friend to me. I just realized it had no point. She could never be mine. And I could never be hers.

"Jayyyh helloooo?"


"You were quiet. Everything okay?"

"Yeah fine just tired"

She chuckles and sighs. "I can remember the time where we used to cuddle together on the couch, sleeping peacefully."

Yeah. I can remember to. Those nice memories, those great times where everything was perfect. But that doesn't change the fact that she was a liar and a blabbermouth. Lying to my face and talking behind my back. Tsk. What a good combo.

"you know..." She breaked the silence.

"We can make those times come back again?"

"Like when we went out and-"

I interrupted her. "Mina. If this is the reason you wanted to talk to me, its not going to work."

I was about to hang up on the phone when she called me to stop.

"Wait! Jay!"

"What? make it quick"

"Its about Y/N. And us..."


I went by Enhypens house to drop off something for Jungwon and noticed that Kay wasnt there. I quickly needed to talk to him about something so asked where he was. They thought that he could be at the rooftop so I rushed up the stairs finding him calling with someone. He didn't notice me so I went behind a wall before he could find out.

My eyes grew big. I couldn't believe what I just heard... How could he...? "We dont have much going on" "she is just jungwons best friend".
Am I huh? Not like he wanted to talk to mr every single day. And now. Hearing that I did something bad, when I clearly did not and would never do something like that. And him believing that makes me feel worse. I think it was a girl since her voice sounded a bit high. Who ever that is, she should shut her mouth and mind her own business, and should not try to get between me and Jay.

I could remember the times when we barely talked, and just when we started to get along together well. It got ruined.

I felt pain in my chest hearing him say that we were not even friends or anything but just a acquaintance of his, him believing I talked behind his back and lied to him about the most stupid things. It hurt. I think I started to like him. I felt it the first time. I felt the connection, but I guess it was all fake.

I was about to leave when I bumped into something and fell on the floor. Not knowing it was a person I just continued to walk away when this person pulled me by my jacket collar. It was him. Woopsies. I got caught.

"Oh jayy! I was trying to find you but didnt see you here so went my way back, untill yeah, this" I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit nervous. "Did you eavesdrop?"

"Wait Jay! please I didnt mean to!" He walked away furiously finding out I listened half of his conversation he had with someone. Why is he so mad? I should be the one angry about all the things he said about me! "How could you? Why didn't you just walk away!" I was about to say something when he turned around and got close. He clicked his tongue a smile appearing on his face "I guess mina was right, about you being selfish, talking behind my back and lying to me. Never expected this from you Y/N. Its over. Dont ever talk to me again." He left.

Ouch. That was harsh. My heart stinged. I walked my way back home with this horrible feeling. I ruined everything. Again. I got home and my mom noticed the sadness in my eyes. When I sat down in the couch and my mom brought the snacks to the table she sat doen next to me and looked. "Y/N, everything alright?" And thats the moment all the tears I have held back since hearing Jay call me nothing but Bestfriend of his friend, had come out. My mom didn't question me and just took me in her arms letting me cry on her shoulder patting my head and back. "Its alright its alright."

I washed my face and went to my bed regretting every choice I have made in my life and tried to sleep but cried myself to sleep instead. Luckily it was saturday the next morning so nobody could notice I cried the night before.

To be continued...

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