t w e n t y - s i x

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"Who's in charge of the account?" Xavier asks. "No clue." Michelle says. I mean its a gossip girl account of our school. Were not gonna know about their identity.

The teacher finally comes in to the class and starts asking us to open up our books.

"Did you do the homework?" Azalea asks as she opens her book. "What homework?"

"devoirs s'il vous plaît " (homework please) the teacher asks.

I'm dead.

-skip to lunch-

The rest of the day was boring. Were currently at lunch while my brothers speculate about whether we are dating. Which were not.

"Litreally swear on our dead sisters grave that you're not dating Xavier." Eli makes me swear. "I swear." I say pinky promising him.

Before I could realize, Xavier was sitting beside me with his tray table. The duck?

"What?" I ask him. "Just go with the whole thing. It's gonna be funny." He says taking a bite out of the pizza.
"Not for us. Xavier." Alex replies to him.

Being honest, seeing him with me as a couple, not that bad. "Please!! It's going to be so funny!" I beg them pulling out them puppy eyes.

"No the fuck?" Sandro refuses. "Flip u." I rebel. "Love you too" he rubs my hair as everyone walks past by me. They were going to the basketball court since they wanted to do... I don't even know now.

"Wanna act like a couple?" I ask him. "You're brothers are going to behead me. But, sure." His tone sounded like he was excited. "Just follow my lead." He says. Follow his lead. What?

Before I knew it, I stood up and went to throw my tray away before I could even take a step, Xavier took my tray and his and threw them in to the dustbin.

"Let's head to class, babe." The way he said babe, made my stomach feel all tingly. Am I.... getting.... butterflies?

No way, we're talking about Xavier.
But.... why does he kind of look hot with that shirt?

Flip me.

- after school-

The bell rings signaling that last period has ended. Which means, my skating practice with Xavier.

All day, after lunch all I could think about was Xavier doing the BABA trend. Or, the six feet tall and super strong trend. Like.. look at his arms. If I put a ribbon around it, it would instantly snap.

I hope he snaps my back.

....I'm being serious.

I was packing my bag before I felt an arm thrown over my shoulder. Xavier. I can't even face him or I'm going to turn into a tomato.

How did I go from not blushing every single minute when I thinking about him, to this?

"Let's go." He says, I finally finish packing up my bag and head out with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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