e i g h t e e n

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V A L E N T I N A :
Standing right before me is the devil himself. But... something is off.

The scar. On his face. It's not that noticeable because he is wearing a mask. But it looks... different.

He looks even taller. And he Is wearing a really expensive suit. Which looks new.

Considering the fact that the judge took away all of his money as it was dirty money he is bankrupt.

And he also does not look that....hot..

even if it is him I'm just saying. I tap on Alex's shoulder. "Alex" I whisper. "Yes tesoro? Something wrong?" He asks me. "Who's that? In that golden owl mask?" I point to the accussed 'Marco' he looks in the direction I am pointing.

"I don't know. Let me ask Lorenzo." He was walking up to Lorenzo but stopped in his tracks. "wait.." he walked back up to me. "Why?" He asks.

I take his hand and pull him further from the group. "He...he looks like Marco." I say. His eyes widen and he awkwardly nods.

"But don't tell that to Enzo." I ask him. "Why?" I was going to explain to him but Lorenzo graciously and concidentally interupts us.

"I heard my name. What's wrong?" He asks me fixing his blazer like some rich ass man. I mean. He is.

Alex was going to say something but I cut him off. "We were talking whether we wanted to eat McDonald's or burger King. We were going to ask you but I'm too lazy." I say.

Internally sighing that is definetly a believable lie because your girl here is a massive foodie. And a bitch for McDonald's.

he nods and leaves to talk with some people involved with 'buisness'. After he left I looked at the same direction I pointed at. He was gone. 'Not Marco' was gone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Psst" someone whispers. "Eli?" I could smell his cologne. Ew. Sandalwood. "I heard you were getting McDonald's?" He asks. Oh my gosh this kid. "No Eli." I roll my eyes. "Ughh" he stomps all the way back to Sandro.

I looked around the venue and couldn't find him anywhere. I decided to go to the ladies room because I drank a lot of sparkling cider because I was nervous.

I told Rocco I'm going to the toilet and made sure my necklace and bracelet tracker was on.

I finally reached the bathroom and finished doing my business. Gosh these toilets are huge. And fancy. I was fixing my dress and touching up my lipstick.

Then I heard the door lock. Oh gosh... I reach for the gun from the strap from my mid-thigh.

But not before someone grabs my wrist. "LET GO OF ME!" I grunt trying to get out of this mysterious person's grip.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Oh! It's Valentina. Newman? No... Romano." I looked up. To my surprise it was the guy in the golden owl mask.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU. LEAVE ME! I know my family will find me. And you will be killed. Not fast. But slow and steady." I say panting still trying to getting out of this person's grip.

"You may have done nothing or nothing to be involved in the mafia. But you did do something. To my father. He was the only person in my family. Now you looked him up and threw away the key. In a blink of an eye." he says, guards coming out of every corner. Jeez this is a girl's bathroom. Perv.

"Who is your father?" I ask him. "Marco. Marco Newman." My eyes full of shock and despair. Knowing what he would do to me. Knowing what vengeance he seeks.

"Why are you quiet now doll face?" He lifts my chin up making my eyes face his. His eyes does look like his father's.

"You are a sick bastard like him. Mark my words. My family will find me." I say trying to stay calm and not burst in to tears. " Not with this they won't" He rips apart the necklace and bracelet that had the trackers inside. "NO!" I scream. Moments later I hear gunshots outside and people screaming.

"That must be our cue. Nighty night princess." He says before a black bag is placed on top of my head and I felt a sharp needle inserted in my neck. Making me fall into a deep slumber.

Hours later:

I finally wake up. What happened? After I regain my consciousness I finally remembered what happened. I was tied up in a chair. Legs wrapped, arm's handcuffed. Mouth gagged. Gun gone.

I try to get our not before I hear the metal cell door opening. I try to see who it is. But it's too dark. "Is this the new one?" "Yea it is." They continue to have the conversation but not before the door opens again.

"Ah! I see you have woken up. Great. Now we can start the lessons. Shall we?" He opens my gag and I pant out of breath.

It was the same guy. I still don't know his name. I'll call him. Owl. The owl.

"What lessons?" I ask him. A girl creeps up his face. "I am glad you asked." He claps his hand and more people entered. But a older man. 40'S. Not Marco. Someone else. Tons of people were there.

"You are going to be trained to be a prostitute. Oh your family is going to hate this. But I am going to love it!" Tears start forming in my eyes.

"NO! NO! NO! ILL DO ANYTHING. PLEASE. PLEASE!" I beg. Anything but this. I know how it's like. It's nothing new but I don't wanna experience this. Not again.

"Hmm... how about... oh! Throw her in the cells!" He says. The guards untie me and grab me by my arms. "Cell? WHAT CELL?" I'm being dragged by bulky men. This is awkward.

They finally shove me in a metal prison cell and I was thrown on the cold hard cement floor.

They undo my handcuffs and leave me there. But not before the owl says, "This is going to be so much fun." He says before leaving me to rot in here.

Oh how I miss my family. I just want to be home.


Cried making this😭 I hate the owl holy moly

Word count:1084

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