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V A L E N T I N A:

Hell is about to break loose...

Everyone is patiently waiting for me to say something. I look at Eli, he is also waiting for me to say something.

I take a deep breath. "I'm so sorry... What I have told you were lies. I never lived in this kind of luxurious life. I never have... I never received presents from Marco... I never received affection from him, I was neglected. Uh... I have been abused... my whole life. I'm severely underweight because he used to starve me. I have broken ribs... because he used to kick me... I have bruises, cuts, stab wounds all over me... because he used to abuse me with his friends.... and I'm so sorry... that I seem like someone who is traumatized and who is basically broken at this point. I was a maid to him. A servant. Purely for serving and entertaining.

And mom.. dad... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't want to dump this all on you. But I need you to know I have constant nightmares almost every single night... I'm not okay. But I don't want you to treat me differently." I say on the verge of tears spilling my guts out.

I let a few tears fall before I wipe them off with the back of my hand. "Uhm.. hold on. " I say before I stand up and remove my sweater. Leaving me in a sports bra. It's not really revealing but you can still see all my scars.

I hear gasps of shock and pure pity. I hate pity. "I'm sorry I never told you earlier.. I would've waited for the right time but here I am.." sitting back down putting on my sweater back on.

I look at everyone. Sandro is crying. Alex's face is has pure rage plastered on it. Elena and Bianca are in pure disbelief. Mom and dad... I don't really know. Lorenzo and Rocco are even more mad than Alex, and Eli is just.. well there.

"Oh honey.... I'm so sorry.. you never deserved this. I love you so so much baby...."my mother says tears flowing out of her eyes. She hugs me tightly slightly crushing me but it's fine.

"Val... did he ever...uh.. do something inappropriate to you?" Lorenzo asks. "Twice. I don't really want to talk about it.. but I don't know how old I was when he did it the first time... the second time I was 12." I say shakily.. fighting back tears.

"Why were you crying earlier?" Sandro asks. "I received a message. From him. That's why I was panicking I never told the officer he abused me. Well I said only that marco only verbally abused me but he was really "drunk" that day" I say using quotation marks on day since he is basically drunk every single day.

I pull my phone from my pocket and handed it to dad. "Here, take this this is the message he sent." Not wanting to look at them as everyone reads the message, I just sit there waiting.

"Carved on your back? what does he mean by that?" Rocco asks clenching his jaw and forming his hands into a shape of a fist until his knuckles turned white.

"He carved words on my back. I don't know what they say and I really don't want to know." I say still not making eye contact.

Dad takes a deep breath. "Guys we have to tell her.." he says not really wanting to say something.

Everyone nods as he sighs before answering. "I am the Italian Mafia don... Lorenzo, Rocco, Bianca, and the twins are involved. The rest aren't. Bianca is the second deadliest Assassin, Rocco is the number 1 sniper, Lorenzo is the third knife thrower.... So now I'm going to track Marcos phone so we can... torture him." Dad looks down as everyone just blanks out.

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