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The weekend rolled over at last, and Damian was accompanying Calmia to Bludhaven. She had informed Richard that they would be coming over for a visit and he had assured them that Tim was feeling much better than earlier.

Still, Calmia had to see him and couldn't delay the visit any longer. She had a terrible feeling that if things weren't taken care of in time, it would become a bigger issue for them to handle.

The journey to Bludhaven was mostly silent as the anticipation of how Tim would react to them gnawed at both of them. Instead of coming to Titans Tower, Richard had asked them to go to his apartment while he would bring Tim over.

By the time they reached the apartment, Tim was already there, making himself a thermos of coffee in the kitchen. Seeing them enter, he placed the thermos aside and came to greet them.

"Hi," he spoke up and quickly pulled out a chair for Calmia. "Calmia, Damian."

"We came to see you, Tim, I hope it's not an issue," she initiated the conversation.

"Of course not. I'm glad you two came over. What would you like to have? Dickie always has something in the fridge, so I could whip you up a nice lunch or something close to it..."

Though he was behaving normally, always the kind and caring Tim, she could see that he was apprehensive about their meeting, too. He did not want to ruin things further, but deep down, he knew that the line had been drawn, and they were all caught up in the aftermath.

"Thank you, but that won't be needed. We had a late breakfast today."

"Oh, I see..."

It was clear that the formality between them was making them uncomfortable. However, Damian decided to end it and came right to the topic, "We didn't come here because of Father if that's what you are thinking."

The remark took him by surprise, "Okay, then why exactly are you two here? I... I didn't mean it like that... I'm sorry."

He looked away, feeling frustrated with himself as he pulled out a chair to sit in front of them. He knew it was going to be a long conversation, and if he kept saying whatever came to mind without pausing to think, they would never be able to reach a solution.

"We came because we were worried for you. We are not here to criticize you or tell you that what you said to Bruce was wrong because it wasn't. I simply want to know the problem so that we can work it out together as a family."

Tim glanced at Damian and then back at Calmia. "I didn't want to erupt on Bruce like that," he sighed, retrieving his hand from hers as he ran his fingers through his messy hair in an attempt to keep himself composed. "But while we were talking, I realized that it's always been this way. No matter what we do, no matter how much effort we put in when things go wrong, it is somehow always our fault."

Damian was also listening closely because he wanted to understand Tim's perspective.

"I should have ignored the press, and I should not have reacted so much. It was all my fault for taking things to heart in the first place," those words poured out of him, tinged with hurt that pierced through her heart as well. "It's always been like that, Calmia, even before you came into our lives. This time, I thought he would react because it's his wife that the press is making so much fuss about. But still nothing... As if reacting is a folly, and we are fools for indulging in it."

Calmia did not interrupt, letting him express all that was building up inside him.

"Calmia, do you really think how Bruce copes with stuff is normal? He takes all the hurt, the pain, the emotions, rolls them up in a tight little ball, and throws it away never to address it again. Do you think it's healthy to deal with problems in that way and then expect others to do the same?"

"No, it's not," she agreed, knowing that he was right. "It only adds to the burden he would have to deal with later."

"See? That's exactly what I meant," his eyes flickered in relief to see that she understood him. "All I want is for us to acknowledge our problems instead of blaming the other. I just want us to sort things out rather than ignore them. Is that too much to ask for?"

"No, it's not. I understand that very well," she nodded, but Tim's attention flickered towards Damian.

"Dami, you do know what I'm talking about, right?"

The young boy looked at his brother and then at Calmia, trying to assess what kind of response they were expecting from him. But he found their faces free of judgment. They were waiting for him to answer honestly according to his perception.

"I am not taking any sides," he spoke up cautiously, knowing they were both attentive to his words, "but Father does ignore things even when he shouldn't."

"I'm not siding against him, I would never," Tim remarked, "But I can't put up with this anymore. I can't keep giving my all to expect nothing or even worse getting blamed for anything that goes wrong. I want Bruce to acknowledge us and communicate with us rather than start assuming things by himself. That's all."

So far, he had raised some very valid points. Bruce's indifference was tearing them apart and Tim had been the first to get affected because in the light of current events, he had been brought into attention already.

"I talked to Bruce about this too," Calmia added in her gentle voice, intending to comfort him. "He didn't intentionally mean to hurt you, Tim, and he's promised to see things through before coming to any conclusions. He has no hard feelings for you, trust me."

He looked down at his hands that were clasped together to hold in the slight trembling of his fingers. "Thank you, Calmia. I believe it will be as you say so."

"But Tim, you also have to promise me that no matter what the press says about us, you won't let it affect you to the extent that it ends up hurting you. We're your family; we know you well enough to be sure that you'll never do anything that would go against us."

He nodded, understanding what she was trying to tell him. "I promise."

Damian let out a sigh of relief, feeling that everything was finally getting sorted.

"So when are you coming home, Drake?" He asked when he was sure Calmia and Tim had nothing further to say to each other.

"Why? Did you miss me?" Tim teased, attempting to erase the bitterness of the past and move ahead.

"Not one bit. But Titus misses you, and so does Pennyworth."

"Alfred or the cat?"


Tim's features softened as he spoke, "I have caused a lot of trouble for you all, haven't I? I promise I'll make it up for it."

"We don't need you to make it up for anything. We just want you back," the words were out before Damian could stop himself and it made a smile break out on both Calmia and Tim's features.

"Damian's right. The Manor feels strange without you. And I also miss having you around," she added, "we all miss you, Tim."

He pondered over their words and took in a deep breath, coming to a decision at last. "Well, since you guys have left me absolutely no choice to refuse by making me so emotional, I'll go back with you right now. Happy?"

"We're not pressurizing you. Do what you feel is best."

Tim shook his head, knowing he would sooner or later have to face Bruce again, and staying away from home wasn't the right answer. He could take one day to spend with Cassie and Bart to relax before coming home, though; perhaps it would turn out to be for the best.

"I know... I've decided. I'll come back soon. Don't worry."


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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