A Sucker For Pain

Start from the beginning

I tried to stifle my laughter at her admission, pressing my fist to my mouth. She stared at me with a wounded expression. "Why is that so funny?" She demanded to know.

"I'm just not surprised that you would choose the signature staple of the 2000's pop star as your desired piercing. Do you want to get one of those dangly charms to accessorize it too?"

She glowered at me before turning away and rigidly pulling out her textbooks from her purse. "For once, I thought you might actually think that I was doing something cool instead of labelling me as a joke."

Shit. I've hurt her feelings. Great job, Matt.

I cleared my throat. "No, hey, that is cool. I approve. When are you going to do it?"

She glanced up at me, the light slightly returning to her emerald eyes. "I'm not sure. I don't even know if I will," she rushed out. "It's just something that I've sort of been fantasizing about."

"How about right now?" I suggested. "I've been toying with the idea of getting my tongue done. We could take the leap together."

She bit her lip. "I don't know..."

"Aw, come on," I encouraged. "It definitely suits your personality and will look cute on you-"

"Okay," she readily agreed. "I'll do it."


"I think I'm going to get another tattoo while we're there," I announced as we drove to the parlor.

"Scandalous," Addison teased, grinning as she combed back her waves that were being disheveled by the wind that blew them around her face. "What of?"

"Don't laugh," I began, blowing out my breath. "I know this sounds silly, but I want the Big Dipper. It was the first constellation my mother ever pointed out to me."

"I don't think that's silly," she whispered, glancing over. "That's quite touching, actually. If I were to ever get some ink, I would want it to have meaning." She reached over to squeeze my fingers. "If you ever want to talk about her, I'm here to listen."

I drew in a shuddering breath, not needing her to see how emotional the topic of my mother still made me. "Thanks," I replied gruffly, trying to counteract the ache in my heart. "Now, let's worry about your piercing."


"That's it? It's over?" Addison sat up in the chair as the bearded man with a full sleeve of tattoos covering the length of his forearms turned away from us to sterilize his piercing gun. She slid a glance over at me, a dazed expression on her face. "That wasn't so bad."

"Yea, sure," I replied sarcastically, shaking out the hand that she had been clutching onto with every ounce of strength in her body while the guy worked on her. "Perhaps, next time, you won't even break my fingers."

"What do you think?" She asked, staring down at the silver ring adorned to her navel.

I nodded with approval. "It looks good. What do you say we do your nose next? Or your lip?" With a wicked grin, I nudged her. "I know! How about you get really daring and get the girls pierced?"

"No way," she laughed, her eyes dancing with humor. "I'm stopping at just this one." She elbowed. "Your turn. Switch seats."

I traded places with her and settled into the chair. The bearded man, whose name turned out to be Zach, made quick work of my tongue before moving on to the tattoo.

"Where did you say you wanted it?" He inquired, prepping the needle.

"Right here," I answered, pointing to my pelvic region.

Zach gave me a skeptical look. "Do you have any other ink, buddy?"

Holding up my forearm, I pushed back the sleeve of my hoodie to reveal the piece I had done there. "Just this one."

He chuckled. "I can promise you that this will feel nothing like that one. Are you sure you don't want to pick a different location?"

"Absolutely not," I insisted even though I was hesitating on the inside over Zach's warning.

"Okay, if that's what you want." As I heard the buzzing of the tattoo gun, my palms began to sweat at the anticipation of getting jabbed. I had been calm up until he had spooked me with his threats of pain.

I inhaled sharply as the needle made contact with my hip bone. Addison stared at me with wide eyes. "Does it hurt?" She whispered. "You look as though you're about to pass out."

"It's nothing," I squeaked out through clenched teeth. "I can scarcely feel it."

She smirked at me. "Do you need to hold my hand?"

I closed my eyes tightly, willing myself to focus on something other than the searing white hot vibrations coursing throughout my system. "Pssh...don't be ridiculous."

Yea, Matt, I chided myself. Don't be silly. You're fine. After all, you're a sucker for pain, remember?

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