Addison's Kiss Of Death

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"I look hot!"

I smoothed out the crease on the thigh of the pleather pants that Matt had dressed me in as I admired myself in the reflection of my bedroom mirror. "Personally, I would have gone for a corset top instead of this oversized, black t-shirt but I know how much you get a hard-on for these pops of dreariness."

"I suppose you look okay," he sniffed from his place on my bed, studying his fingernails.

Propped up against the blush pink pillows, donned in light wash denim jeans and a cornflower blue polo top, he almost resembled the type of guy I was accustomed to having sprawled out across my mattress. He ran his fingers through his hair for the dozenth time, annoyed that without the usual gel to hold it rigidly in place, it kept falling into his eyes.

"Matt!" I exclaimed, nudging his Adidas clad feet off my comforter. "No shoes on my linens."

He rolled his eyes. "It's not as though they've been worn before. I would rather go barefoot than choose to put on something so...preppy." He wiggled his ankle, staring at his footwear in disgust.

"Oh, hush," I commanded, gesturing at my own feet. "You've got me in combat boots."

A dimple pierced his cheek as his eyes roamed up my figure. "I'm kind of surprised you didn't push back harder on that one, but I guess you were saving the real tantrum for having to be seen in public sans make-up."

I held up a palm to him. "Please. I don't want to talk about that. I'm still a bit sensitive that you referred to my highlighter as a Bat signal for all the Barbies who are in distress that their foundation doesn't match their neck."

Sliding off the bed, he joined me at the mirror and immediately grimaced. "Yea, well where's my Bat signal," he grumbled. "I feel ridiculous."

I scoffed. "Please, Matt. This is the most normal I've ever seen you." I snuck a sideways glance in his direction, noting that the tightness of his shirt accentuated his muscles. A flutter whispered in my stomach, and I had to remind myself that any attractiveness I was picking up on was only the fleeting result of a spell from a fairy Godmother who would turn him back into a rotted black pumpkin at the stroke of midnight.

At least you'll get to keep your princess attire, I mused, eager to slip back into something shimmering and glimmering. "If you want to chat about feeling foolish," I continued. "Then please, let's discuss the atrocity you've done to my hair." I pointed at my tresses, slicked back into a ponytail with streaks of red pinned in throughout.

Matt placed his hands on my shoulders, studying me with a lopsided grin. "I thought you would be pleased I infused some color into your wardrobe." Then chuckling, he patted his pockets. "There is one more thing however..."

I folded my arms across my chest. "I swear, if you produce a clip-on nose ring, I'm chucking it out the window. I draw the line at sharp objects attached anywhere on my face."

He grasped my fingers, cradling them in between his. "While that would have been brilliant, I think that this is much sexier." He pressed a small square of paper against the skin of my hand, dabbing at it with his saliva. "There," he continued, pulling away the scrap to reveal what lay beneath.

I laughed as the image of a skull temporarily tattooed onto me presented itself. Holding my hand up to the light, I admired the piece. "I suppose I can live with him for just one night. He's sort of cute in his own morbid way."

"That is your motto," Matt muttered. "One night and then they're history."

I nudged him in the ribs with my knuckles. "Hey, it's not my fault that every guy I've ever met hasn't been decent enough to withstand the test of time. Now, what shall we name him?" I pointed at my tattoo.

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