Mugged, Dragged Off, And Tossed into a White Van

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"Will you shut that damn thing off? It's Saturday morning." From beneath her plaid bed sheets, Quinn shot me a murderous glare. She was all bubbly sunshine until the moment it came to her losing out on an ounce of sleep.

"Sorry," I muttered, fumbling for the clock to quiet the persistent buzzing. Flinging back my covers, I sprung out of bed. No caffeine or alarms were necessary to wake me today. I had been up since the sky began lightening with the first rays of dawn and the birds started chirping for their breakfast.

Vibrating with excitement, I dove into my closet in search of the perfect outfit for a special occasion. Addison and Matt were finally coming to New York this afternoon to visit me, and my unofficial college uniform of jeans and a sweatshirt simply would not cut it.

Frowning at my selection, I considered what Addison would wear to see a boyfriend that she had been separated from for a month. I need something that will make him want to rip off my clothes the moment he sees me.

I fished out a strapless, black minidress that I had brought along for all the frat parties that I was certain I would attend. Except I hadn't because I had yet to get invited to any as that meant actually making friends with my classmates. I tapped my chin thinking about what Addison would have me wear if she were here. Smiling, I tossed on Matt's leather jacket as the final touch for my ensemble. I can't wait to see his expression when he spots me in this.

Tousling my waves with my fingers, I eyed my reflection in the mirror. Don't you look very New York? Then quickly rimming my eyes with black kohl, my city girl transformation was completed.


"Alright, enough already. God, you are so freaking obnoxious." Sliding into Matt's Jetta, I glowered at his goofy grin as he laid on the horn. It was seven am and I was in no mood for his antics.

"Good morning, sunshine," he provoked in a cheery voice.

As I buckled my seatbelt, he ruffled my hair, and I immediately grabbed his wrist and twisted it. "Hands off. If you want to make it to New York alive to see your girlfriend, then I suggest you shut up and don't touch me."

Holding up his palms, he chuckled. "Someone's not a morning person, huh?"

Ignoring his question, I slumped down in the seat and slipped my oversized sunglasses onto my face. "I need coffee. Extra-large."

Tapping his chin, he slowly nodded. "Alright, I suppose I can help you out with that but I need to hear you beg just a wincey bit more."

Wordlessly, I jutted out my arm and thumped my fist into his shoulder. "Will that do?"

"Ow!" He exclaimed dramatically, rubbing his bicep. "You wounded me. You're mean, Addison. I was going to offer to buy you a donut too but you can forget it now."

I perked up at the suggestion of food. Well now he's speaking my love language. Shifting towards him, I batted my eyelashes and gave him my saddest pouty face. "I'm sorry, Your Greatness. Please, will you buy this peasant a donut, my lord?"

Tossing his head back in laughter, he shifted the car into drive. "You're too much, Addison." But he didn't say no so I considered it a win all the same.

"Fucking goooo!" Matt yelled at a car crawling ahead of us at twenty miles per hour. After a few hours of driving, we were finally in Manhattan and Matt was cussing up a storm and throwing up hand gestures every few seconds.

"I hate this fucking city," He growled beneath his breath. "No one here knows how to operate a vehicle." I was tempted to point out that neither did he half the time but thought it better to keep my mouth shut. Being alive was kind of growing on me.

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