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Hyunja sat on the bench, mumbling things due to how cold it was.

But she has to. No matter how cold or hot.

Her family is quite poor, so she had to resent to "different" methods.

One of them being photography. Might not sound bad, but it's another worry for her. Most of her requests were classmates who wanted pictures of their crushes, just like today.

Not that she has anything against love. Infact, she's basically a hyper romanticist.

She took out her camera, and tried to get a view of Jisung.

Han jisung.

Literally everyone's crush.

Though she can't complain, since most of her income comes from him.

This 'classmate' wants a picture of Han Jisung in the rain.

And right now was the perfect moment. Jisung had just entered a shop with two of his friends, most likely to get an umbrella.

Once Jisung walked out, Hyunja immediately snapped a couple photos. Everything around her was wet and slippery, so she wasn't really fazed when her camera fell on the ground. What really surprised her however, was who picked it up for her.

Seo Lewis.

Aka one of Jisung's best friends.

"I think you dropped this?" He said, handing the wet camera to Hyunja. "Ah its wet.."

"Its fine...I'll dry it when I get home, thanks."

"Oh okay. I didn't think it would last." He chuckled. "See you later...uh..."


The boy smiled, "Im lewis." His smile soon drops, due to hyunjas wet hair. "Here, take my umbrella."

"No, I'm okay..."

"You need principles..cant let yourself get wet." He handed the umbrella to her and ran over to Han and Chris, another friend.

"What the hell."

She quickly checked if the camera was okay, and soon ran away herself.

"At least he didn't check the pictures."


How did Mina fall asleep in the rain?

No idea.

Why do I care so much?

Also no idea.

The rain was soaking Seungmin everywhere. Hair, uniform, shoes, backpack, everywhere.

So why is Mina the only thing he can think of?

No idea.

"Hey..wake up noona.." He said, shaking Mina's shoulders. She had fallen asleep near a tree, probably skipping class. School had just ended, and the rain had started. Kids had ran faster than light. Evauntly Mina woke up, half asleep however. But she was probably even more soaked then Seungmin.

Seungmin cursed under his breath, taking Mina's hand in his own. The two ran until they were under the school roof, the closest shelter around them.

"Why didn't you wake me up faster?" Mina mumbled as she took off her wet socks. "And why didn't you dodge the stupid puddle?! Now my socks are wet!"

"Sorry that you're a deep sleeper, but I even threw my pencil pouch at you noona. And sorry for directing us towards a puddle."

Young Promises// 2min skz family auWhere stories live. Discover now