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In less than three weeks, Seungmin noticed something.

Lee Mina loved mondays.

It was weird. Even Seungmin himself, a total bookworm, hates mondays.

Seungmin sat somewhere in the middle of their homeroom, and Mina sat near the window. Yet her smile on Mondays was so bright to the point where he can see it.

He knows he shouldn't be staring so much at it.

The teacher, up until now, let students pick their seats. His only friends Heejun and Jamie werent in his homeroom to begin with, so he didn't mind who he was placed next to.

Till he saw the chart.


Mina laughs at him like her life depends on it. " Who are you next to? The teacher?"

"Even worse,you."

The olders laughter suddenly stops as she glares at him. " I'm not that bad."

"Sure." Seungmin grumbled as he simply sat down. He had the sudden urge to turn around and throw his legs over Mina's desk. He was quite the chaotic trouble maker, well outside school.

"You idiot. You're not in front of me, you're next to me."

Seungmin sighed. This was not how he wanted the week to start off. He picked up his bag lazily and sat down next to her, crossing his legs. "Explain why you're so happy."

"Wow okay, didn't even hold back."

"Answer the question noona."

"Why should I?"

" Because I said so."

"Then figure it out."


"It's who I am."

Soon, class started. Mina took this as an opportunity to give her notebook to Seungmin. Telling him to " translate". In reality, it was just him writing notes for her while she stared at the wall, zoning out.

Seungmin was used to this kind of treatment.

But what bothered him was the fact he had too switch between languages.

It took way too much time, and Mina wasn't even doing anything.

She was probably gong to complain about him messing up some minor word.

"It's not my fault if I wasn't born as shakespeare." Seungmin mumbled, so quiet that Mina didn't even hear him.

So he messed up the notes. Wrong formulas and everything. Color coding the wrong things, messy handwriting, the list was endlist.

And he did this on purpose, until Mina realized.

"Hey! What in the world are you doing?!"

Seungmin was taken back by her whisper yell, but played it cool.

"What the world wants me to do."

" I really shouldn't be going so easy on my insults then." She said, snatching the notebook away.

"Do whatever you want."

"I would if I wasn't stuck with you."

"What does being stuck with me have to do with anything?" Seungmin questioned. All though he was being sarcastic.

"Everything. Once I learn Korean, my insults are going to get much more brutal."

"You could just throw them at me in english."

"Then get better at english."

"Get better at korean."

" Get a life." Mina said, changing the topic.



"Why do you like mondays."

"Changing the topic like your mom changes husbands."

"...You really have been holding back..."


Mondays usually aren't this bad.

And it's all Kim Seungmins fault.

That idiot decided to lose his voice.

So here Mina was, staring at her husband as he slept. He looked calm, something he lacked for the past days.

So she was kind of thankful that he went to work. Being a vocal teacher at JYP means using his voice every second he has, even if it means crushing kids dreams. But due to his voice being gone, he gets to rest.

"Hopefully I don't screw that up as well." Mina whispered, as got off the bed. Their daughter, Yongbok, would be home alone. So she was going to drop her off at her in-laws.

" Han jisung better not be there I swear to god." It was a common thought she had whenever visiting her in-laws.

"Mum! Can I say goodbye to Soongie and Doongie?" Yongbok exclaimed. It seemed as if she had a new name for her mother every day, but Mina wasn't complaining.

"Of course, but wash your hands after. Uncle Jisung is allergic to cats."

Yongbok quickly ran out, on her way to find the cats in the tiny apartment. She had on a blue dress covered in flowers, and adorable kitty socks.

Mina thought the sight was adorable. To her, Yongbok was cuter than half of the cats in this population.

When yongbok came back, she was beaming with happiness. " Look! I found your hat!"

Oh no.

The hat, in fact was the very hat that her husband and daughter made together.

It looked horrendous.

But she still took the hat.

"Thank you sweetie. I was looking everywhere for it."

If it was Seungmin who found it, she would have kicked him in the solar plexus.


Today is starting off terribly.

Stupid Kim Seungmin.

Hyunja, her sister in law, called her in the middle of work.

Saying that Han wanted to talk to her.

And he just had to be here.

In her house

They both sat at the kitchen table, across from each other. The two had a weird past, and haven't talked to each other in two years.

"Yongbok asked what divorce is."

She did not expect that

"And something else..."

Young Promises// 2min skz family auWhere stories live. Discover now