Dirty Liar.

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Seungmin doesn't want to be here.

In a room filled with people older than him.

He's younger than all of them.

That's all the kids in his homeroom knew about him. Kim Seungmin, smart and skipped a grade.

Not that he cared.

These people were going to rot before him anyway.

" Ah, Seungmin, could you please help the new student around?" The teacher said, a hand on the new girl's shoulder.

Seungmin peeked over his book to see what this was all about. She was about the same height as Seungmin, which was pretty tall for a fourteen year old. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and her uniform had a newly stitched badge with the name ' Lee Mina.'

" I thought you would be the best candidate in our grade, since you're quite skilled in english. She's from the states." The teacher whispered in Korean as she walked away.

" Annyeonghaseyo, My name is-"

" Mina. It's on your name tag." Seungmin mentioned, interrupting her.

" Oh, I see." Mina's arms suddenly crossed in annoyance. " And I guess you must be a stalker."

It took a while for the younger to realize what she said, after all she did have a strong accent.

" It's on your nametag, public knowledge noona." Seungmin stated in English, trying to make it easier for her.

Mina suddenly gasped dramatically, covering the name tag with her palm, clenching it.

" You really are a stalker Kim..Sangmin. How did you figure out I was older than you!

Seungmin blinked, a habit had when thinking. If this girl was so shocked by being called Noona, it meant she was used to being a bit older in her school in the U.S. The only explanation was that she stayed back a grade, or that she was confused with the Korean Hierarchy System.

"I skipped a grade." He said softly. " Show me your schedule, I'll help."

Mina let out a long sigh as she handed over the schedule. " Now translate, kid. Im two years older so spare me the work."

" I don't think you would have done the work anyway."

"Did you just assume?"

"Yes I did, got a problem with that Noona?"

"Bro, don't call me noona, it makes me sound so old."

" We aren't close enough for that." Seungmin said as he got up from his chair, the schedule in one hand. " Come on, I'm showing you around. Maybe if you get my name right I won't call you noona,noona."


" Is that how you and Eomma met?"

"Yes Yongbok ah".

"Ya, stop ruffling her hair. I spent five minutes on that." Mina complained.

"Eomma, Eomma! Is that how you and appa met?"

"Hm...not really."

"Really?! Does that mean appa is lying!?"

Seungmin sighed. His wife was back at it again. Trying to manipulate their daughter into thinking that her very own father is a dirty liar.

"How about I tell you what really happened, then you can decide if your father really lied." Mina stated, poking Yongboks nose. Seungmin thought it was quite cute.


Kim Sangmin has an attitude.

That was the first thing Mina realized.

And the fact that his name was really Kim Seungmin.

But who cares.

He is also annoying.

Very very annoying.

"This is the chemistry lab." Seungmin pointed out, immediately halting his steps.

"It looks so...gloomy."

Mina wasn't used to this kind of atmosphere. The chemistry lab in her old school was filled with lights, posters and everything. While the most color in this room was the window of all things.

" Go complain to the principal then."

The next room was the English class. This was the only subject that Mina was sure she was gonna pass. She didn't like this school, it was gloomy and gray. Everyone wore the same colored uniforms while her old school in America allowed her to express. Currently, Mina thinks the uniform is quite cute. The girls have a gray sweater with a black bow tie over it, along with a green plaid skirt with white stripes. But who knows, her opinion might change.

" This room...is kinda bland as well..."

"America corrupted your mind." Seungmin said, moving onto the next room.

" Aren't you going to ask why I moved?" Mina said as she slowly caught up to Seungmin.

"Judging by your bad korean noona, the reason is probably an emergency since you only know how to say hello ... .and stalker."

"Wow okay...he's pretty smart." Mina thought to herself.

But he's still annoying.


" So who do you think lied?" Seungmin blurted right after the story ended.

"Um...you both told the same story...except eomma conutined appas."

"Aw~ my yongbok ah is so smart! I bet you got it from me."

"Ya, yongbok. Your Eomma is lying. You got it from me."

Yongbok slowly tilted her head towards her mother, a pout forming on her lips.

How in the world could she lie to that face?

Really short chapter, but yay.

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