Chapter 1

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Arrakis, 10,190 A.G.

Never has Miles seen a more tan room. The overly dry atmosphere and dusted air was enough to make any out-worlder sick. But not Miles. He trained for this environment. He is no plantologist, he is a Doctor. One he hopes to be.

He hears a door open, shut immediately. A rare moment of loudness for a planet so distinctly quiet. Circling him, a lengthy tall gentleman makes his way across from him. Dressed in the blackest black, his bald head, pale skin, and painted lip was roughly off-putting for Miles. He has never seen a Harkonnen in person before. Having only studied their general anatomy and sub-culture. Though this Mentat was truly horrifying to observe. Something out of a child's nightmares.

He takes a seat across from Miles, looking at him up and down. Head to toe. Not saying a word, his eyes seem to speak for him. Miles can't look any different from him. Having dark tan skin, wearing a short brown buzz-cut, dressed in his brown-unic coat, with the diamond plastered on his head as if he is currently in service. The Mentat across from him slightly snarls. His mouth opens.

"Miles Caddel," says the man in a shaky voice. Almost whispering.

"Piter Harkonnen," Miles responds confidently. He begins to lean back in his hard-rock chair, making himself comfortable. He didn't want to come off afraid. Confidence is key. Fear is the mind killer he reminds himself. An old Atreides saying he recalls. Piter raises an eyebrow, confused by the young doctor's mannerisms. He has complete control of this decision for his house. His mind works like a computer-hardware service afterall. And this off-worlder was off to a shaky start.

"So..." begins Piter. "You recently graduated from Suk School I presume?"

"Just last year, yes." says Miles as he swiftly nods his head. "I was one of the highest of intellect in my class if I may add."

"Yes... but cocky. A rule-breaker," Piter remarks.

This left Miles in a head-swirl. A single beat of sweat runs down his forehead. Who is this guy? Miles asks himself.

"That's right Miles," Piter returns to his feet and begins circling the room again. The edge of his black robe grazes Miles as he strides past him. "I reached out to your colleagues and I must say... you are a skilled medic. But you lack respect for authority. Your records indicate you went off procedure guidelines on a myriad of occasions. As a Mentat it is my job to beg the question... are you worth the price of a Suk Doctor?"

Miles takes a deep breath. He should have expected this moment. The man was a Mentat afterall. His head works like a computer. "I made my mistakes. Surly. But I am more than capable of fitting the position of a Suk Doctor for your house. If you can afford me, you should be pleased to have me."

Piter stares at the doorway. He begins making his way back to his desk. Retaking his seat before repeating his analysis of Miles. "So... I'm assuming you are of Harknonn descendance?" He puts, bluntly.

Miles slowly shakes his head. The remark gutted him like a knife to the stomach. In his thought process, the Harknonnens were well respected by the great Emperor Shaddam for their success on Arrakis. So surely they wouldn't bother with issues of descendance.

"Well then what are you?" Asks Piter.

Miles takes another deep breath before answering. This question he truly dreaded. "I am an Atreides. But I had a family conflict before enrolling in Suk School."

Piter gives his head a quick raise, issuing for his guards.

"No sir you have to understand I am a skilled medic. I am more than capable of serving your house-" Two Harkonnen guards grab onto his shoulders and begin pulling him out of the room.

"We won't be needing your service here on Arrakis," spits Piter. "Gooday Miles. And best of luck on your return to Caladan where you belong."

The guards drag Miles through the hallway and towards the exterior of the walls. The bright, white outdoors blinds Miles as he further approaches the sun. The scorching heat is beyond brutal for him. At this point he is already too weak and tired to fight the force of these Harkonnen savages. Savages, he mumbles in his head.

Miles is eventually thrown to the ground as the two guards march further away from his slim body. He begins to stand up and brush himself off. This suit of his was far too nice to get damaged. And he knew he didn't deserve to wear it. As he looks onward he turns his attention to the dark Highliner in the distance. The space guild ship that will soon be transporting him back to the nice, spring waters of Caladan. A trip which he can't bear. Not now at least.

He continues to walk along the edge of the Palace of Arrakeen. Which provides him a slight bit of shade between him and the heavy sun. He can see pilgrims resting deep within the caverns of the palace. I'm sure they would give for some of Canada's water, thought Miles. Why not send THEM there?

As he continued his stroll of defeat the true essence of Arakkis hit him. It is a place of oppression. A place of defeat. It is a bad planet. Deep down in Miles' heart, perhaps he wouldn't want to serve such a house. Though he also knew that it would highly benefit himself in the long run. That his hard work in the Suk schooling would pay off. His family would be wrong about him. Is it all too late for that?

As Miles looks on at the helpless Pilgrims, something hits him, a physical body. Having not paid any attention to the ground in front of him, his body falls back. He hits the hard surface for now the second time. Lifting himself up once more, Miles comes face to face with a darker gentleman. He wears a stillsuit that covers his entire frame and the base of his nose. His eyes shined a deeper blue than Miles has ever seen or even read about. Now this is a true Fremen.

The man gives him a slight snarl and continues on his way. Miles watches him pass before the thought of communication comes to mind. "Sir! What is your purpose here on Arrakis?" Is all he can seem to spill out. The man takes a few more steps away from him before turning back. The blue eyes hit Miles again. Never a deeper blue.

The man chuckles. "I haven't seen you around. You are not a Harkonnen. So what purpose do YOU serve?"

Miles approaches him. The man has a nice style to him. He speaks confidently and addresses Miles' presence well. As if he knows more than Miles. In which he most definitely does. "I'm Miles Caddel. I'm a Suk graduate looking for service. Your friend in the Palace just denied me due to my blood inheritance."

"Well..." says the man. "Continue on then. Return to wherever planet you belong. I'm sure it's better than the force of nature here.... Though someday that will change." He continues to stare at Miles directly in the eyes. They stand completely parallel to each other. Oblivious of the scorching sun. "I'm Liet Kynes by the way. Planetologist. Good day to you."

Kynes turns away from Miles once more. Walking the opposite directions. Further and further from Miles with each step. Though Miles wants to continue the discussion with this stranger. And he doesn't quite know why. Just a deep, subconscious calling of his. I must continue to converse with this man. I must.

"That's a still-suit? Right?" Shouts Miles. Kynes stops in his tracks and turns back to him. A confused look is spread across his face with a mild hint of annoyance. But Miles proceeds with his confident verbiage. "Why yes it is. What do you care of it?" Asks Kynes.

Miles swallows. He can feel the dry spit run down his throat. "I would like to... try one."

"You- you would like to try on a still-suit...?" Kynes statement came off as flabbergasted as Miles could have expected.

"Yes." He states. He then proceeds to shake his head. "I can't return to Caladan. The better fate would be death by desert than to make the return to my homeworld as a living failure."

"I don't understand Miles. Why don't you just serve the house of Atreides?"

Mile shakes his head once more, this time even more vigorously. "Not an option at this point my friend."

"Well..." says Kynes. He looks off. Taking a deep sigh before returning those distinct eyes of his back to Miles. "Follow me."

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