chapter 2

52 2 4

                                        Nya POV

Next thing I know, I find myself in a new room. I am warm now, below a blanket. Oh, wait, this is a heating blanket.

I turn it's temperature up even more, before taking the oppertunity to find out where I've ended up now.

I was laying on a soft bed; with some hot chocolate and a bowl of noodles in front of me.

My favorite food?

Strange-- how'd they know?


Probably just a coincidence.

The room was quite organized. Maybe i didn't fall into the hands of a killer; I think to myself - But then i remember all the books I've read. 

Heartkiller; a book where someone was kidnapped, about to be abused before getting killed, but ultimately escaped. There's a lot more to the story, but these are just important things.

Being trapped in a house with abusive parents isnt exactly that fun, so I spent most of my time reading the books my family stole. They tried convincing me to read books about how to commit crimes, but I always refused. Thrillers are a lot more interesting.

I continue scanning my surroundings: there was a table aswell, with a computer on top of it. A closet was placed next to the table, with a really un-organized layout - I mean, whoever took me here, even left the doors of the closet open. Apart from that, some ''Cliff Gordon'' posters were hung up on the wall, and lastly a small nightstand with a candle and some trinkets on top. one of the drawers was still open, but i couldnt exactly see what was in it. 

I reach out a hand towards the cup hot chocolate and place my fingers from both hands around it before taking sip. - I instantly know its not poisoned; my parents trained me for that.

Whoever made this cup even took the time to put marshmallows in. 

I also take a look at the cup noodles - most likely also not poisoned. I guess I'll find out when I eat it.

Before I get the chance to try the noodles, I hear footsteps approaching. Someone opens the door. I prepare for the worst - a coldblooded murderer, a psychopath, or maybe even a r*pist.

Against all my expectations, in the doorframe, stood a boy my age with auburn, fluffy hair and cute freckles. 

Did i just think he was cute? Whats wrong with me?

'' I see you're awake! '' He spoke cheerfully.

'' Who are you!? '' I inquired, completely ignoring his positivity.

'' I'm your future hus- '' He paused in the middle of his sentence, probably regretting whatever he was about to say.

'' My name is Jay '' he tells me instead.

I hesitate. Did he tell me a fake name? Is he hiding something? 

Despite his positivity, my doubts are nagging me. Faker; the book where an innocent young man kidnaps woman and abuses slash murders them. I know its just a book; but what if its based on real life events? I could be in great danger right now- A part of me wishes i never left my house.

'' So you're a daydreamer, huh '' Jay's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I awkwardly nod.  '' Sorry. Did you say anything? ''

'' Not yet. but I wanted to ask if your wounds were doing any better yet. '' He made a gesture towards my forehead. 

Confused, I raise my hand, but pull it back instantly pull it back when I feel aching pain. 

'' There were some pieces of shattered glass in your skin. I got them out and wrapped them in bandages. Your forehead had the biggest wound, but it didnt start bleeding until I put you down here '' Jay explained to me. 

I arch a brow, my forehead hurting again as i do so. Maybe he isn't as bad as I anticipated.

''Could I leave now?'' I inquire, breaking the short silence. My social skills weren't the best; I guess thats an after-effect of being locked up with barely any socialization. 

'' If you'd like. But I'm not sure you'll like it out on the streets with a huge storm going on '' Jay answered.

Hate to admit it - but he's got a point. I'd most likely get caught by police or die due to hypothermia.

'' Okay, but I will be leaving as soon as the storm is over '' I respond. 

Jay didn't look quite satisfied, but he could get on with it. '' oookay. but its not my fault if you end up in jail. ''

I wanted to reply, but Jay was too fast. '' Your clothes are still drenched. I put a warm sweater on my chair. You can come to the main room once you're finished here '' He informed me before shutting the door behind him. 

Once i pushed the blanket off of me, I realized how cold it was, especially since my shirt was pretty thin. 

I pulled my shirt off and folded it up precisely, before putting the blue sweater on. 

Thats better.

I quickly consumed the noodles and drank the hot chocolate before opening the door; revealing a room with a sofa, tv, small kitchen and some cupboards.

Jay was unloading the dishwasher, but stopped when he saw me. '' Hi again! '' He greeted.

'' Hey. '' I replied, purposely trying to make my voice sound unbothered. 

The news reporter was chattering on the tv. I squint my eyes and move to the sofa, picking up the remote control and turning the volume up.

'' I repeat! A hurricane will be crossing Ninjago City anytime now. Police are unable to evacuate any people. Stay inside and close your doors!'' The man on tv shouted at the camera. he had to hold his headphones so they wouldnt fly off. The screen switched to Gayle Gossip, the most known reporter in Ninjago. '' It seems its quite a windy day today! '' She exclaimed at the camera man; her voice barely hearable due to the gusting wind. '' Its best to cancel any trips to the beach today '' She continued; not at all bothered by the fact she was about to be blown away. ''make sure to stay inside and keep yourselves warm!'' she adviced before commercials started playing.

Really? I muttered to myself. Commercials? During a life-threatening situation? We could really use some tips from news right now.

I shook my head. Whatever-

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